So i was going through the internet like i normally do and came across this word.

And apparently its a real word.

It's a small seven-legged marsupial.

Wear a dust mask!

its a lung disease... or basically Silicosis

Pneumono = concerning the lungs, like in pneumonia
ultramicroscopic = smaller than microscopic
silico = from silicon the element found in sand and rocks(and in computerchips!)
volcano = from a volcanic eruption
coniosis = lungdisease caused by inhalation of dust

Woah...thats just strange. Seems like im the only one that didnt know it existed. lol. Thanks guys.

Probably related to all those belching volcanoes in Chile.

Woah...thats just strange. Seems like im the only one that didnt know it existed. lol. Thanks guys.

I knew such conditions exist, not that there was a tongue breaking name for it :)

Science/medicine has to have impressive sounding terms for things. For example, sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia is the technical term for brain freeze.

Hence the high price for any treatment.

Could it be that it is just the longest word in an English dictionary? And hence somewhat "constructed". You could simply speak of coniosis (already expensive enough) caused by very fine volcanic dust.

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