So now free email providers are starting to offer us huge amount of storage for our mail. But do we really need it? Some people obviously do but then I think if you are receiving that much email then you should probably have company email address or your own family one. So my question is how much email do you have in mb on your webmail?

However I realise I have got absolutely tonnes of emails on my hard disk I only have about 200mb on my GMAIL account!

So how much do you have? And do you have a company one as well or is this your only account?

When Google first came out with Gmail, it was total chaos. Everyone wanted an invitation so that they could have an email account with 1 GB !!! of space. (obviously it was a marketing gimmic on part of google to create fictious scarcity of accounts by asking for invitations )

But now it has died out, and having a Gmail account doesnt make me feel special. All my Gmail accounts (yes ! all and I have many ) are lying out there, waiting to be checked in...since I use only one and even that is only 2% full ;)

Well obviously it was a marketing gimic and that was kind of my point. Basically we don't need it just makes us feel special.

We don't need it, definitely agreed. However, having that much space to upload stuff is a lot better then leasing server space. ;)

I only have two e-mail accounts -- one at home and another at work. I rarly keep them beyond a couple days. Why keep all that junk that will never be read again?

I only have two e-mail accounts -- one at home and another at work. I rarly keep them beyond a couple days. Why keep all that junk that will never be read again?

2 reasons:

One, with Gmail accounts, there's so much space, what's even the point of deleting them? I simply archive my old messages.

And two, although I rarely need old messages, haven't you ever gone "Darn, I wish I hadn't deleted that message"? It's sometimes months later, but even a few retrievals makes saving the messages worthwhile. And Gmail has an excellent search feature, so it makes searching through your old mail a snap.

At the moment, out of my 3 Gmail accounts, they have a total of ~50 MB.

It's definitely worth the read, especially since it relates to what you were saying, joeprogrammer.

I just question how much of it is true.

id email 8 gig .isos to myself over and over 24/7 for a year and my friends would do the same in order to bring down google

Fight tht google!
There the new M$!

commented: Don't flame! +0

It's definitely worth the read, especially since it relates to what you were saying, joeprogrammer.

I just question how much of it is true.

Some of it's probably false, but the stuff that's true is pretty much in line with the Google policy. They keep records of people's web searching, although they've refused to give this data to the US government. Nothing is entirely private in this world, and what I figure: I'm not doing anything illegal, and although I don't like the idea of some big corporation being able to see what I did today and who I emailed, they're probably not even going to look at it.

And who's to say that other email providers don't do the same? In the EULAs, they usually reserve all rights to look and record any data you send or recieve, so it's probably not that much different from Gmail.

id email 8 gig .isos to myself over and over 24/7 for a year and my friends would do the same in order to bring down google

Fight tht google!
There the new M$!

Saying negative things about Google without even a constructive post or any *reason* to dislike them could be considered flaming.

id email 8 gig .isos to myself over and over 24/7 for a year and my friends would do the same in order to bring down google

Fight tht google!
There the new M$!

Why? You sound like an anarchist.

Saying negative things about Google without even a constructive post or any *reason* to dislike them could be considered flaming.

Yes, very much so. Stop the flaming, please.

I have:

  • One Yahoo address: primary for family, some friends, forums, sign-ups, junk.
  • One GMail address: personal business, professional.
  • One Company Address: internal, particular company-related externals.

I use them all equally. I like my GMail and Company email addresses the best.

id email 8 gig .isos to myself over and over 24/7 for a year and my friends would do the same in order to bring down google

Well, obviously Google's server-farms had little problem handling your mass-mailings. :rolleyes: LOL. There are still there and stronger than ever.

Google provides fine services and they are successful due to their hard work and diligent coding practices.

Cheers (to Google ;))

Well, seeing as I use the "GSPACE" firefox add-in, I use about 1.6GB of 2 of my gmails accounts (I have three). The other, I am using 2%.

"You are currently using 41 MB (1%) of your 2785 MB."

And I don't delete anything but spam :)

You are currently using 10 MB (0%) of your 2786 MB.

I just use it for junk haha

You are currently using 232 MB (8%) of your 2786 MB.

Without spam, some attachments.

You can to see in the two posts below they sort of limited the space to 2786 MB :P

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ha, now hotmail also have 1000mb space. from 2mb-250mb-100mb :)

i never use gmail, except for orkut....and
the email which i mainly use has used 1.5mb/1000mb

I know most people hate it when people dig up old posts but i thought it might be quite interesting to see how people are doing on there gmail accounts now.

Mine now reads: "You are currently using 1014 MB (13%) of your 7282 MB."

I never delete email (apart from spam) which gmail does a very good job of finding automatically. But still that has only gone up by 800mb in just over two years!

There are some pretty good add ons for firefox that treat you gmail inbox as a server but i have never used them really because, well i have memory stick.

I do have daniweb to thank for my gmail invite though. User amd_sucks gave it to me i believe in November 2005. How things have change. If google had kept it at 1gb mine would now be full.

Good service though and they deserve alot of recognition for it.

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