Just curious here, do any of the moderators here accept PMs? I tried to PM two only to find that they don't accept PMs.

Many (most?) mods do, although it is a matter of personal preference.

I certainly do...

many mods and dani hcan be found on IM or IRC

I accept PMs only from other mods and admins. There is no reason for others to PM me -- if you have a question just post it in the appropriate board for anyone to answer.

I will typically accept PM's, unless it is about an issue not-related to the site, then I'll re-direct you to the appropriate forum. Not only will you have a better chance of sucess with a forum post than a PM, but the end result will be available for future people who may have the same issues :)

ppl sometimes send me pms or emails as i post my address but i think if you had a day job as well as being a fulltime mod it would be a pain in the ass

I can appreciate not wanting to be hassled by PMs, and I do realize that there are proper forums for most any topic. I recently saw a new member post her email address and tried to bring this to someones attention as this might not have been a well thought out decision. I posted a suggestion that a moderator might want to do this person a favor and remove it and suggest that they submit it in their profile, I didn't get any response, so I tried PMing the two moderators that were shown to be involved in this forum only to be told that they don't accept PMs. How would like to wake up and find a couple hundred emails trying to sell you anything from vinyl siding to sex toys because you had a brain fart and posted your email address?

if you don't get a response, that doesn't mean it isn't being read and acted upon.
PMs like that will likely be read and acted upon, but you won't get a response telling you so.
PMs asking for personal help or other favours will however be discarded.

For such situations, use the "Flag Bad Post" link which is available in every member's post.

It don't bother me.

if you don't get a response, that doesn't mean it isn't being read and acted upon.
PMs like that will likely be read and acted upon, but you won't get a response telling you so.
PMs asking for personal help or other favours will however be discarded.

Just for the record, the thread is still active and has been since 01/01/07, and there hasn't been any change to that email address. I know better than to ask for favours, and I never anticipate receiving a response, and I find it curious that you feel that you need to explain this to me.

Thanks Dani, I will remember that for the next time.:cheesy:

Which posting is it, I'll go edit the email address out myself...

Hi happygeek, I think that this is probably a little late as it has been posted for a week now. I had used that address to explain that she was inviting anyone from around the world to email her what ever they wish, and that she might consider editing it out. She did not reply to either the email or in her thread and hasn't returned as of this morning. If you still wish to modify the post it can be found here.

Thank you, dcc

I recently saw a new member post her email address and tried to bring this to someones attention as this might not have been a well thought out decision. How would like to wake up and find a couple hundred emails trying to sell you anything from vinyl siding to sex toys because you had a brain fart and posted your email address?

i posted my email here for many years and i only ever get a max of 4 spam mails a day and mnost of these are due to USENET and google groups , not due to daniweb.

What i dont think is a good ieda though, is many noobs put thier asset tags and windows keys in posts which is bad

just to say by the way, its highly annoying when new members pm you asking to look at thier thread

If you still wish to modify the post it can be found here.

Email address now removed.

Thanks once again, I hope if I ever have a mental lapse like that someone will take similar action. I get enough spam without inviting it.

Just remember to always use the Flag Bad Post link from now on ... us mods have our own way of handling things when that feature is used, and it is definitely the most speediest method.

Just remember to always use the Flag Bad Post link from now on ... us mods have our own way of handling things when that feature is used, and it is definitely the most speediest method.

"the most speediest method"? Now I know why you're into computers. I'm also ESL thanks to these toys! :confused:

I am good at English. Honestly I am.

I am good at English. Honestly I am.

I speak English like a native...how.:rolleyes:

i do good at english in school but in practice i cant spell very well at all lol some of the foreigners on daniweb spell better than me (which is very good considering i sucked at every single launguage i learnt)

The English language is suffering at the hands of the text message revolution I am very much afraid to say. It is a particular bugbear of mine, especially as the written word interests me so much on a personal and professional level.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for change. Despite having an interest in Middle English literature, believe me I would not want to be reading The Times like that every morning. However, there is something so lazy about 'txt talk' which really gets my goat. Yes, it has a place in mobile communication, as it did in online chat before SMS existed. No, there isn't a need to use it when the medium, be that online, print or whatever, is not restricted to 160 characters!

Heck, even employers are starting to notice the increase in the number of application forms filled out using this form of vile and lazy shorthand. Something has to be done, or I am afraid the English language as we know it will be lost forever.

N dat wd b bad 4 evry1

OK, rant over :)

The English language is suffering at the hands of the text message revolution I am very much afraid to say. It is a particular bugbear of mine, especially as the written word interests me so much on a personal and professional level.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for change. Despite having an interest in Middle English literature, believe me I would not want to be reading The Times like that every morning. However, there is something so lazy about 'txt talk' which really gets my goat. Yes, it has a place in mobile communication, as it did in online chat before SMS existed. No, there isn't a need to use it when the medium, be that online, print or whatever, is not restricted to 160 characters!

Heck, even employers are starting to notice the increase in the number of application forms filled out using this form of vile and lazy shorthand. Something has to be done, or I am afraid the English language as we know it will be lost forever.

N dat wd b bad 4 evry1

OK, rant over :)


Oh damn, I think I just replied to that using a form of text speak:confused:

This is one of my pet peeves as well, with all the toolbars with spell check there isn't any reason for misspelled words. Unfortunately there isn't a grammar check at this time...at least not in my google toolbar.:lol: My biggest problem is getting caught up in the moment and writing run on sentences that seem to go on forever with no end in sight when it would be a simple matter of applying punctuation or just starting another sentence if I remember while I'm in the throws of impassioned writing.:eek:

I have to agree that text messaging does seem to have a detrimental effect on the written form of English, u no wt i mn?

In my previous post I stated that I spoke English like a native followed with the word "how". When I was growing up in the fifties the usual response from the Indian when greeted in a western was either ugh or how. I chose how because one of my favorite plays on this response to the reply was in a Groucho Marx movie where the Indian raised his hand palm forward and spoke "how", Groucho without missing a beat replied "three minutes and leave them in the shell".;)

It's so sad when you need to explain something that was intended to be humorous.

wow i just noticed that i average 4 "lol"s min in each post

The English language is suffering at the hands of the text message revolution I am very much afraid to say. It is a particular bugbear of mine, especially as the written word interests me so much on a personal and professional level.

clm dn mn itz gna b ok
i rly ht thz crp 2...

In my previous post I stated that I spoke English like a native followed with the word "how"... It's so sad when you need to explain something that was intended to be humorous.

I got it!

wow i just noticed that i average 4 "lol"s min in each post

Another peeve I have. I hate reading a message broken up with lol. It's getting to be totally meaningless and awkward to read. For one, lol looks like it should be part of the sentence, whereas LOL you know is not a word. Or better yet :lol: but in moderation.

Another similar thing is when people say "I'm so stupid lol" or some other self-denigrating statement. Laughing when you do something dumb is OK, but making a statement about being dumb and laughing about it IMHO is :sad:.

Also :rolleyes: I hate :evil: when people put :)'s after every :-| few words :confused: :mad:

I hate reading a message broken up with lol. It's getting to be totally meaningless and awkward to read. For one, lol looks like it should be part of the sentence, whereas LOL you know is not a word. Or better yet :lol: but in moderation.

The saddest thing about this is that you KNOW that the person on the other end isn't actually laughing out loud. It comes to the point when people say "I Lol'd in real life" just to qualify that they actually have.


clm dn mn itz gna b ok
i rly ht thz crp 2...

I got it!

Another peeve I have. I hate reading a message broken up with lol. It's getting to be totally meaningless and awkward to read. For one, lol looks like it should be part of the sentence, whereas LOL you know is not a word. Or better yet :lol: but in moderation.

Another similar thing is when people say "I'm so stupid lol" or some other self-denigrating statement. Laughing when you do something dumb is OK, but making a statement about being dumb and laughing about it IMHO is :sad:.

Also :rolleyes: I hate :evil: when people put :)'s after every :-| few words :confused: :mad:

There is another one like that you like might want to like add to the like list. How absurd.

Then there are the self depredicating blonds. I'm not sure, but isn't that an oxymoron?:cheesy:

I have to confess that I do find myself saying ROFL in real life conversations. My 75 year old mother doesn't have a clue what I am on about though...

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