Hey all i don't mean to start a flame war but i though it might be interesting to see who the people at daniweb think was the better star trek captain is and the reason why.

Personally i don't really have a prefference although do like picard mainly because TNG was better written

For me it was Kirk, not that I liked any series better but kirk was a bad a$$, Cool guy, laid back, good under pressure and not to mention always got the ladies... He was for all intents and purposes a "Captain". If I was on the show, I'd follow him to a planet's surface as long as my character wasn't crewman #2

well said. I've always thought Picard was a little soft.
IMO the original series is overall better written than TNG too. But I can understand why modern kids think it a bit weird, as it depicts a view of the future which pretty much was eclipsed by the time they first saw it (certainly in most of the shipboard technology).

What I've trouble with these days is ST Enterprise. Supposedly set in an era before the original series, that ship has technology way in advance of the Enterprise from the original series...
T'Pol is nice though, far better to look at than Spock :)

Being the age that I am, and first getting into Star Trek while in college a couple of years ago, the original series is just too corny.

Kirk for the major win :)

Being the age that I am, and first getting into Star Trek while in college a couple of years ago, the original series is just too corny.

Maybe by today's standards, but when it first hit the airwaves, man it was the greatest!

I like both Kirk and Picard but for different reasons. Picard was a better captain, more sensible, and Kirk was the bad@ss.

But in ST, there is no way the Captain, 2nd in command, Chief Engineer, and Chief Medical officer would ever go into a potentially hostile environment together. Hence, TNG had a more realistic concept. But the difference was ST was an adventure and TNG was a drama.

As for Enterprise, their first mistake IMO was too many aliens. They should have only met a new alien a couple times a season. Our quadrant didn't seem to have that many alien species for us to discover that early -- and by the time ST era most were forgotten! And we were too new to the extra-solar travel to find that many.

Captain Picard got my vote. He just got the looks of a real captain.


I'd say Picard, simply because he appears to act more like a ship's commanding officer would act in reality. (Diplomat, good at delegating responsibility, etc.)

Has to be Picard.

Kirk was to emotional when it came to women, but with Picard you can feel the sexual energy between him and the Doc. But his professionalism kept him from acting on those wild lustful impulses

I like the cheesiness of the originals. And the miniskirts of course.

Picard was still better though, but it's close.

yeah the cheesyness was the best part of TOS but i think that i relate more to TNG because is more modern seems like a more realistic future but then i suppose in another 30 years that will probably be cheesy as well and there will be an even more acurate prediction.

I don't care if this poll is between Kirk and Picard. Janeway wins hands down.

Naw -- Janeway was only ok. I liked the overall story line, but tv station in my area pushed the timeslot back so far that it was too late for me to watch it. So I didn't get to see the last couple seasons.

My favorite critter (or race) was the Ferengi on DS9. I thought many of the characters on ST was even more interesting then any of the captains.

Quark was okay but his brother was pathetic.

Favorite epesode: House of Quark -- especially the scene where his wife Grilka (Klingon) divorced him :) :)

As an actor Picard beats Kirk. Of cousre, Kirk's role is often written more than silly.


Kirk was more of your "Pirate Ship" type captain, adventure, sex, explosions, and a fair disregard for the rules. Picard on the other hand is more of your model Federation commander, he only breaks the rules when absolutely necessary and commands his ship well and with poise and dignity... but in the end, I have to agree that Janeway kicks their asses as she got to be a good medium between the two, she held to regulation incredibly well considering their situation, but when she needed to break the rules, she did, because it had to be done. Plus she dealt with a teenage Q, that has to count for some serious points.

janeway was too irish
i liked the hologram dude in that one

i thaught the suckiest captain ever was the one in deep space 9

The Doctor was pretty awesome, and I definitely agree that Sisko was the worst

Jonathan Archer.

There were 6 Star Trek series (and 6 captains):

Star Trek (James Kirk, Christopher Pike)
Star Trek Log (animated - James Kirk)
Star Trek, The Next Generation (Jean Luc Picard)
Star Trek, Deep Space 9 (Benjamin Sisko)
Star Trek Voyager (Kathryn Janeway)
Star Trek Enterprise (Jonathan Archer)

We have to remember that the special effects used in the movies and the other Star Trek series had not yet been invented when the original Star Trek was made. So of course, it looked more "corny" than the others. They were working on a shoestring budget too.

One word. KIRK

Jonathan Archer.
We have to remember that the special effects used in the movies and the other Star Trek series had not yet been invented when the original Star Trek was made. So of course, it looked more "corny" than the others. They were working on a shoestring budget too.

Some of the low-budget films and series are actually better than more modern make-overs. That was true of both Start Trek and Dr. Who.

What about Plan 9 From Outer Space

and Planet Of the Apes. And Battlestar Galactica.

I have all the original Planet Of The Apes movies. Didn't like the remake.

Swamp Thing was a low-budget movie that made tons of money.

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