These are some optical illusions that 'caught my eye.'

First picture, [think] - is this possible?
Second - Focus on the dot in the center and move your head backwards and forwards.
Third - Are the purple lines straight or bent?
Fourth - Do you see gray areas between the squares?
Fifth - You should see a man's face and also a word.... (hint: try tilting your head to the right, the word begins with the letter 'L')
Sixth - This is not animated. Your eyes are making the picture move.
Seventh - The instructions are on the picture...

Cool, huh? ;o)

Duki commented: These are awesome. +3

I've always loved the last one. If you do it right, the detail is amazing.

I know, I love that one.
I especially like the Liar one too... it's awesome.

Lol... I guess no one likes optical illusions as much as we do.

yeah we're the cool ones. or maybe we're the...... naahhh

commented: benches? ^.^ +9

MMM opticle illusions are the goods. Thanks Christina.

On the topic of opticle illusions here is a cool flash called subliminal messages. Has a few cool illsusions in it.


Lol... I guess no one likes optical illusions as much as we do.

That's wrong. I didnt see this thread until today i guess. I love optical illusions.

Im attaching another one. This one is really good. Well i like it.

If you guys couldnt figure out what it is. Tilt your head on the left.

commented: Interesting... +1

very cool stuff. that one was in a hoax email for a long time

The third one is just a magic :)

commented: i guess yout new welcome to daniweb. Introduce yourself in the community introductions :) +2

i love optical illusions my favourite is the last one ive known that one for a long time its AMAZING!! i showed my friends and they were like wtf lol

very cool stuff. that one was in a hoax email for a long time

I don't think I've ever gotten a copy of that particular hoax before; most of my 'hoax-like' ones seem to be 419 scammers these days. Got a copy of the email on hand?

That's wrong. I didnt see this thread until today i guess. I love optical illusions.

Im attaching another one. This one is really good. Well i like it.

If you guys couldnt figure out what it is. Tilt your head on the left.

What's that supposed to be? Can't figure it, looks abit liek a dragon tail and claw.

And yes i jumped at the subliminal :D

I don't think I've ever gotten a copy of that particular hoax before; most of my 'hoax-like' ones seem to be 419 scammers these days. Got a copy of the email on hand?

You can check it out on hoax slayer.

What's that supposed to be? Can't figure it, looks abit liek a dragon tail and claw.

And yes i jumped at the subliminal :D

:D you still haven't figured that out? open your eyes HBK can't you see a kid and a lady praying.

looks abit liek a dragon tail and claw.


I've been a fan of OIs since grade school.

And if you want to be really impressed, check out Julian Beever's work! Look at the Anamorphic Illusions. They are incredible!

Yeah ive seen those before. They are amazing and come to think of it he did all those Anamorphic illusions using crayons. Guy is a genius.

:D you still haven't figured that out? open your eyes HBK can't you see a kid and a lady praying.


I really can't. What position are they supposed to be in? :-/

jus tilt your head on the left. And see it along with the water. The reflection makes em appear as a lady and a kid.

I see it!!!!! Woooooooooooooooooo! XD

I've been a fan of OIs since grade school.

And if you want to be really impressed, check out Julian Beever's work! Look at the Anamorphic Illusions. They are incredible!

Those are pretty good.

New ones. :)

And in the last one. Can you guys make out a face of a baby?

Niiice... I like those.

| Can you guys make out a face of a baby?
Yes, I can. ;-)

I can't. all the rest i see.

there you go again :D.. look at tree branches on the left along with the blue sky

I see it :)

I think i see eyes. and yeah i suck at anything that requires imagination. The other one's i got becauss i've seen them before :-S

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