
Sorry if this is a bit off track, but it is a really good read. Please let me how you find it. Thanks..


I guess this is what you call `Bad luck'...

nah too lazy to read all that thats too much later

nice find tech29.. and sos i don't think its bad luck. i think its gary kidall's stupidity..

he could never have had the business success Bill Gates had. Even if he had a decent product (Gates needed quite some effort to turn it into DOS) he lacked the business savviness that helped Gates make Microsoft into the successstory it has become.

Most likely had he sold to IBM he'd have been forgotten as so many small suppliers to large companies have been forgotten or gobbled up.
Quite likely also the IBM compatible PC would never have become the major breakthrough in computing that it did when Microsoft started selling their OS to other companies willing to create and sell computers based on the same hardware architecture IBM had created (and failed to patent because they didn't think it was important enough...).

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