What is your favorite vacation site?

I like the beach

My room. I don't really get a thrill going on vacations, I just enjoy spending time with people. Otherwise, I like to sit in my room and either read or knit or spend time on the computer.

I usually visit relatives. Went to Branson Missouri one year and enjoyed all the country & western music.

Vacation? I think I remember something about those...long ago...

I hate the word vacation. Holiday is a mich better word.

I hate salt water and therefore hate the beach. I like scotland (i suppose its kinda a foreign country...)

Cruises and the like are awesome b/c you just relax all day and can do what you want :)

Hmm... I've never been on a cruise. I'd like to someday though.

i like cruises too.

and beaches

commented: same here +17

I only like beaches if they're clean. So I don't like Va. Beach, I don't like Myrtle Beach, but I do like any beach on the Gulf of Mexico.

The sand is white instead of yellow and the water is pretty clear. Plus it's warm. :)

but the best waters i've ever seen are the ones surrounding sorrento, Italy... All the way from the coast to the island, it's sooo nice...

I had a hard time voting i the poll... since i love traveling, but i also love going to water parks... and even more amusement parks... but i think i have better times in amusement parks...

but the best waters i've ever seen are the ones surrounding sorrento, Italy... All the way from the coast to the island, it's sooo nice...

Ahh... I bet it's really pretty.
I'd love to go to Italy one day.

you did not add your house. I find vacations really boring and find myself longing for my computer.

you did not add your house. I find vacations really boring and find myself longing for my computer.

Sorry, I just didn't consider your house to be a vacation.
You can pick "none of the above" though.

haha.. yea, actually vacations are mostly really boring.. I'd rather have the whole day w/ my computer and no work than go on vacation :)

haha.. yea, actually vacations are mostly really boring.. I'd rather have the whole day w/ my computer and no work than go on vacation :)

You are crazy lol.
How are vacations boring?

when we go on holiday to scotland i hate it because we have internet thsts slower than dialup. Its 16kbps instead of the usual dialup speed of 56kbps (which is slow anyway).

Daniwebs damn ads and curvy images take like 10 minutes to load a thread

You are crazy lol.
How are vacations boring?

I dunno.. when you have to plan stuff out and go touring and stuff.. it's just boring. The only vacation I like is when I have a computer, I can relax, and I have nothing planned to do :)

when we go on holiday to scotland i hate it because we have internet thsts slower than dialup. Its 16kbps instead of the usual dialup speed of 56kbps (which is slow anyway).

Daniwebs damn ads and curvy images take like 10 minutes to load a thread

why do you use dial up there instead of dsl or somethn?

I dunno.. when you have to plan stuff out and go touring and stuff.. it's just boring. The only vacation I like is when I have a computer, I can relax, and I have nothing planned to do :)

Geek? ;)

hahaha.. I wouldn't say it like that exactly.. :(


It's okay, we're all geeks.

there is nothing apart from slow dialup. No DSL or anything. We only get 4 channels of TV and dont even get gas :(

I hate beaches and swimming. I'm not the type of person you want to see on a beach. Plus, I wear glasses and can barely see without them. I'm not much of a summer vacation enthusiast.

I ski. I spend most of my vacation time in the winter. Which is nice because I don't have to compete with anyone at work for time off. I love resort towns in the mountains.

I love to swim... I think it's just relaxing on a hot summer day. Plus it's a good exercise. :)

I wear glasses too, but I usually put my contacts in when I go swimming.

I like your glasses

I always need a vacation after the vacations.

I like your glasses

Thanks. :)
They make me feel geekier.

I like going to the beach but I like something new every once in a while too.

weird... it says i've voted... but i know i haven't....

I dunno.. when you have to plan stuff out and go touring and stuff.. it's just boring. The only vacation I like is when I have a computer, I can relax, and I have nothing planned to do

why planning? there's nothing better than spontaneous vacations... getting up at 9:00 in the morning and say: "what am i gonna do today? what can i invest (meaning waste) my time on? hmmm... it's been a ong time since i don't go to (insert place or location here)..." you know what i mean? plans are for organized people... i like it being un-organized... when you don't know what will you do with your spare time... (even though it might come in handy sometimes to be organized...)

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