Hello everyone, I want you to tell me your favorite Youtube video! Then I will post them all and you will vote on them and I will create the top 100. By the way my favorite is David Blaine-Youtube Edition! Thank you!
The Rules?
1.No increedily inappropiate videos-You know!
2.Must be original videos-No Best of Family Guy
3.Only one video!
4.Have Fun!
Get searching!
Edit: I will accept only 100 videos max!

Increedily??? What's that?

My favorite is this one, not so much because of the musical content, but the ingenious way the turntable figures out the record size.


I'm a tech freak to the end.

have you seen the filpino prisoners dancing to the tune of 'thriller'? in you tube...

leroy jenkins

Stopped watching when they said "lord".

The first one was pretty funny -- the second pretty boring; didn't watch all of it.

Its really only funny if your an Australian. Basically he was acting like a tosser and he got what was coming to him. This is really becoming a typical example of aboriginals these days.

probably the david blaine street magic

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