what is happening to these girls minds?
post your thoughts about these young troubled girls...

Paris: Skinny freak who only became famous due to a leaked amature porn movie.

Britney: Used to be pretty and drowns the knowledge that she no longer is in booze and attention seeking.

Linsay: Looks up to the above.

Paris: Skinny freak who only became famous due to a leaked amature porn movie.

Britney: Used to be pretty and drowns the knowledge that she no longer is in booze and attention seeking.

Linsay: Looks up to the above.

Lol agreed.

Lol nice one

come on guys. is this really nescessary. why are you doing these kinds of things? they are human too. are you doing it because it makes you feel good about yourselves are you just plain nasty.

Why would you defend them? I can see where you could be coming from if the things we are saying were not true however fact is they are fuck ups and yet they are seen all around the world by girls as role models. People or not these are not the kinds of people i want my daughter to be looking up to.

i defend them because it is an act of cowardice to attack someone who cannot himself or herself. i suppose i could say that this is none of my business but then again this is an open forum.

second of all if you attack them just to feel better about yourself then there is something pretty pathetic about your life or wrong about you person. and if you do it just because you are nasty then you are no better than them but only in different way.

i have never said that these people are perfect. i did not even say something remotely like that in my protracted defence of paris hilton in another thread. but tell me. who amongst us is perfect? are you? if i meet anyone who comes accross as perfect i remain wary of that person because i believe that such a person is hiding something.

the difference between their imperfection and ours is that the whole world cannot stop bitching about them if they do anything wrong.

as for being role models. children emulate their parents first. i dont have any children but i remember that most of the behaviour that i learned i copied from my father. later i altered and addepted it and learned new behaviour too. but mostly it was based on what i learned from my father. as a child i had many friends who took alcohol and drugs but they could never get me to join in. this was because of the bases planted in me by my father. in fact defending those not in a position to defend themselves is one thing i have learned from him.

and just for the record. i have no particular love for the music or movie stars. i dont even watch many movies. and my favourite music is from the 80 and so on. i think modern song writting and music writting is decadent. what i enjoy watching is sports and what impresses me is scientists, engineers etc.in fact if NASA contact me right now telling me that they need someone to come wash their floors i might actually be tempted to leave my computer programming job. that is how much engineering impresses me. i defend them merely because no-one else is.

Don't take it so seriously.
Look at the news.

Paris: Skinny freak who only became famous due to a leaked amature porn movie.

hmmm... leaked? i'm pretty sure it was not an accident...

Don't take it so seriously.
Look at the news.

ok. i shall not take it so seriously. but i was merely answering the question as to why i am defending them.

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