Just want to know who are Filipinos here in daniweb and your careers!!

no dear , I am not.

Its ok,just want to know filipinos here in daniweb community!

I am. Student.

I am not from the Phillipines, but I would like to be! I hear it's a great country, where all the men are smart and all the girls are pretty!

I am not from the Phillipines, but I would like to be! I hear it's a great country, where all the men are smart and all the girls are pretty!

I would like to research on this.:|

I am not from the Phillipines, but I would like to be! I hear it's a great country, where all the men are smart and all the girls are pretty!

really eh? where'd you hear that? rofl...im a graduating college stud! :) taking up comsci

hey ryan and scudzilla... im from the philippines... tech support rep in one of the call centers here...

Im a VIsual Basic And ASP Programmer

Im a VIsual Basic And ASP Programmer

hi i am a student currently doing my project; can you help me with this? tnx

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