In history, George W. Bush may take first place amongst US presidents, if not all world leaders, as the leader with the best sense of humor. If you think the leader of your country is any better, give us an example.

Here are some of GWB's better examples that bring a smile to anyone's face:

"You never know what your history is going to be like until long after you're gone." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., May 5, 2006

"If the Iranians were to have a nuclear weapon they could proliferate." --George W. Bush, Washington D.C., March 21, 2006

"Make no mistake about it, I understand how tough it is, sir. I talk to families who die." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Dec. 7, 2006

"It's a heck of a place to bring your family." --George W. Bush, on New Orleans, New Orleans, La., Jan. 12, 2006

"The point now is how do we work together to achieve important goals. And one such goal is a democracy in Germany." --George W. Bush, D.C., May 5, 2006

All of this is orignal material by GW himself! should take a look to our president... he is such an idiot...

if being idiot counts as having sense of humor, the our president is the best...

Hmmm, sense of humour and Gordon Brown?

Nope, don't think there is any danger of the two meeting up at any point.

commented: T R U E +11

In history, George W. Bush may take first place amongst US presidents, if not all world leaders, as the leader with the best sense of humor. If you think the leader of your country is any better, give us an example.

Here are some of GWB's better examples that bring a smile to anyone's face:
All of this is orignal material by GW himself!

That doesn't reflect a sense of humor but rather a lack of real intelligence. He was completly serious when he uttered those words.

i guess the idea is that george bush is stupid.

but if that is so then why did you guys vote for him? and twice?

anyway the funniest thing i have heard from my president was when he said that we should increase exports while decreasing imports.

what makes it funny is that all of this should happen while he wants first world countries to invest in our economy. this is of course impossible as imports pay for exports and vice versa.

but i think our leaders know how funny they are. they just hope that we dont.

Hmmm, sense of humour and Gordon Brown?

Nope, don't think there is any danger of the two meeting up at any point.

Yeah i agree :)

I find it hilarious that the UN made Tony Blair in charge of Middle East peace. The middle east hate him.

anyway the funniest thing i have heard from my president was when he said that we should increase exports while decreasing imports.

Thats good. Thats why japan is wealthy. Its called a "trade surplus"

Yeah i agree :)

I find it hilarious that the UN made Tony Blair in charge of Middle East peace. The middle east hate him.

That could work. If they unite against the common enemy they're too busy to fight each other...

:) good one

Well ... our 'prime minister' just passed a vote of no confidence from the opposition ... There are issues with money that appeared in his account too ... so I guess he has a sense of humour ... :)

I agree Most of those quotes are actually Bushisms and represent his poor trail of thought rather then a sense of humor. I do not think that these things in particular show that Bush is an idiot but more that he has problems when he goes off script in his speeches.

I think that our Prime Minister John Howard has an average sense of humor. He can definately take a joke and even crack one here and there. However he knows when it is appropriate to do so.

the question of course remains is whether he is a poor public speaker (which is far from uncommon, but more so in politicians) or does it deliberately in order to make his political opponents underestimate him (or a bit of both)...
I've always suspected the latter plays a part.

I have never thought of it like that. But i agree i think he is alot smarter then most people give him credit for. I certainly would not call him stupid based on his public speaking and a few bad decisions.

You could almost be a conspiracy writer with talk like that jwenting.

@ jwentig

nicely put. i have never thought of it that way. mind you i have nothing against mr bush. but almost everyone i know does. now i have something to irritate them with!


not good. you produce goods and then export it so that others can consume it? look at it this way. if japan wants nothing in return then why dont some country print a lot of currency and buy up everything japan produces. anyway this is a bit tricky. forgive me for trying to catch you.

also japan produce lots of goods which the rest of the world wants. that is the backbone of trade. to produce something which someone wants and to produce it at lower cost. the reason why our situation is "funny" is because we have no commodity to trade like that and our leaders are not actually making an effort which could result in such a commodity. if there were such commodities then it would not be funny it would be excellent.

lasher, I've studied enough conspiracy theories to be able to speak in their lingo. Only way to get across to people who believe in them :)

no, the worldwide depression was caused by quite different factors.
Mostly it was caused by people taking out too many loans and using those loans to invest in the stockmarket (hint, they're doing it again...).
When some banks got into trouble (hint, they're doing it again...) those banks demanded their loans be repaid, causing panic selling.
That panic selling reinforced itself causing the stockmarkets to crash.

Increasing the amount of money in circulation to stay in relation to the production value of the economy is sound policy (if done consistently) depending on the economic system you choose for a country.

The best way to win at a poker game is to play stupid. That is what our fearless leader is doing. Make no mistake about it, George Bush is very smart, a lot smarter then many of those constipated leaders of European countries that have fallen for the old poker trick!

If he is playing stupid he is doing a very good job.

You play that trick too many times, you won't have any friends left!

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Bush isn't pretending to be stupid. The yanks don't know how to pretend.

Bush isn't pretending to be stupid. The yanks don't know how to pretend.

But the yanks know how to play poker!

the question of course remains is whether he is a poor public speaker (which is far from uncommon, but more so in politicians) or does it deliberately in order to make his political opponents underestimate him (or a bit of both)...
I've always suspected the latter plays a part.

You mean misunderestimate?

Member Avatar for iamthwee

You mean misunderestimate?


See I told you 'dubau' has one hell of a sense of humor!

lasher, I've studied enough conspiracy theories to be able to speak in their lingo. Only way to get across to people who believe in them :)

You calling me a conspiracy theorist?

You play that trick too many times, you won't have any friends left!

Lol who ever said that he is out to make friends. He is out to get the job done. Just because he has poor public speaking skills does not make him stupid. Moses had poor public speaking skills. Pretty much all of you have heard about him and what he ended up doing.

Bush isn't pretending to be stupid. The yanks don't know how to pretend.

Yes we all like to have a bit of a rip on the yanks for being dumb. You have to remember that this is just a generalisation made in order to rip on them because they do have alot of history of people doing stupid things. This does not make them as a people dumb or George Bush himself dumb. Nor does it present any evidence that he is dumb.

Your right he does not have good public speaking skills.
Bush Quotes
"Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?"

"If you don't stand for anything, you don't stand for anything!"

"I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully."

"I think we agree, the past is over."

"Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?"

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

"Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?"

Actually this question is asked very frequently in the US.

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