What is it with teachers having sex with minors?

In western Wisconsin a 39 yr old teacher has had sex with her daughters 13yr old boyfriend in the basement while husband and daughter slept upstairs.

[NEWS VIDEO] http://wm.kare.gannett.edgestreams.net/news/news/110507_268982_teacher_kare.wmv

I really think this sort of gossip does not belong here!

This isnt gossip it really happenend :(

Lol. At least she is kinda good looking. Any 13 year old boy would give up an arm to have that happen to him. I don't think its really that terrible.

What is it with teachers having sex with minors?

In western Wisconsin a 39 yr old teacher has had sex with her daughters 13yr old boyfriend in the basement while husband and daughter slept upstairs.

See it as education, mother didn't want her daughter to have an untrained boyfriend ;)
And if your husband is sleeping with your daughter, you have to go somewhere...

Find me one person on here that would not have done the same thing as a 13 year old boy.

i cant get the video but consensus seems to be that it was good for him. it would seem that he had enjoyed it. question though. isn't the equipment of a thirteen year old a bit small to satisfy a grown woman?

Find me one person on here that would not have done the same thing as a 13 year old boy.

i bet you the 13 year old boy isnt complaining, he just got laid by a MILF

i cant get the video but consensus seems to be that it was good for him. it would seem that he had enjoyed it. question though. isn't the equipment of a thirteen year old a bit small to satisfy a grown woman?

hmm.... I think we would best be avoiding that side of the topic. Might become a little PG 13 however it obviously was enough for this woman.

The problem isn't the boy -- he's not old enough to give consentual sex. But the teacher will probably spend several years behind bars, spend the rest of her life on the sexual offense roster, and her teaching career is over. She runed her life for a few minutes of pleasure.

Find me one person on here that would not have done the same thing as a 13 year old boy.

When I was 14 year old sex was the last thing on our minds. If at all, it only was mentioned during biology classes, and only as relating to animals reproducing...

There is no such thing as pretty 39 year old woman! At that age beauty has become worn, wrinkly and baggy! Poor boy may be scared and scarred for life!

When I was 14 year old sex was the last thing on our minds. If at all, it only was mentioned during biology classes, and only as relating to animals reproducing...

Were you also the guy who recieved swirlys?

I kid, I kid :)

i cant get the video

Hmmmm i just tried it and it loaded straight away......

When I was 14 year old sex was the last thing on our minds. If at all, it only was mentioned during biology classes, and only as relating to animals reproducing...

hey, im 17 now and when i was 14 sex was the main thing on my mind ;)

hey, im 17 now and when i was 14 sex was the main thing on my mind ;)

What was on your mind when you were 13?

the question here, who squealed. as for the act, she should know better. it's very funny how the human brian works, we hear abot what happent o others who do the same then yet we go and try the exact same thing, the challenge and the danger. the mind love it

Looks more like something dirty old men get off on.

There is no such thing as pretty 39 year old woman! At that age beauty has become worn, wrinkly and baggy! Poor boy may be scared and scarred for life!

spoken as someone way younger than 39...

What was on your mind when you were 13?

trying to get to grips with my French and Greek language exams...

the question here, who squealed.

im guessintg he was bragging to his friends

There is no such thing as pretty 39 year old woman! At that age beauty has become worn, wrinkly and baggy! Poor boy may be scared and scarred for life!

Demi More is about 45 and still hot. If you don't believe it just look at her picture I posted here. But I agree about the scared and scard remark. To a 13 year old its probably like sleeping with your grandma -- yuuk!

Demi More is about 45 and still hot. If you don't believe it just look at her picture I posted here. But I agree about the scared and scard remark. To a 13 year old its probably like sleeping with your grandma -- yuuk!

Demi Moore has spent much effort and money to stay somewhat representable in her profession as model/actress. She might represent about 0.001% of the older women out there!

Demi More is about 45 and still hot. If you don't believe it just look at her picture I posted here.

Smokin hot

c'mon, grow up. it happens everywhere. age doesn't matter. their eyes met, they got attracted to each other, then one thing lead to another and they found themselves in each others arms in a place that's conjucive to having sex. the thrill,the oddnes of the situation...that's it. don't be hoppocrites. LOL.

c'mon, grow up. it happens everywhere. age doesn't matter. their eyes met, they got attracted to each other, then one thing lead to another and they found themselves in each others arms in a place that's conjucive to having sex. the thrill,the oddnes of the situation...that's it. don't be hoppocrites. LOL.

You absolutely right :)

commented: Idiot thread bumper with the spammy url in the sig -4

You absolutely right :)

Wow, you brought this out of the abyss. Any man/woman that gets it on with a 13 yr old has issues.

don't be hoppocrites

I'm pretty sure that you have issues too.

Look, rape is rape; a 37 year old man having sex with an underage girl - a 37 year old woman having sex with an underage boy. It is violation.

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