Member Avatar for nileshgr

I have been on this forum for quite a time, but I had stopped visting daniweb for sometime due to exams, etc. Now I am back to see the superfast dani superslow and giving weird looks on Firefox 3.6.3/Linux.
Please do look into this. I am on a 128 kbit/s connection, quite slow IMO, but the same dani used to be a pleasure to browse previously.

I'm not sure why this would be. The new version loads a LOT faster, has fewer images, calls far fewer external JavaScript files, has far less advertising and contacts far less third party servers.

I experienced some downtime yesterday, maybe this is related?

Member Avatar for nileshgr

What do you guys have to say about this screenshot then:

(The toolbar appears at footer, screengrab got it wrong).

The font is looking so weird.

That looks like what my cellphone browser(Media Net) does to DaniWeb. Later---

Member Avatar for nileshgr

I'm not sure why this would be. The new version loads a LOT faster, has fewer images, calls far fewer external JavaScript files, has far less advertising and contacts far less third party servers.

Arch Linux / Firefox 3.6.3

Im on IE6 using MyIE2 and it looks ok here (A lack of colours but THANKFULLY NOT VB4 so im not complaining)

Member Avatar for nileshgr

Im on IE6 using MyIE2 and it looks ok here (A lack of colours but THANKFULLY NOT VB4 so im not complaining)

The question is about Firefox and Linux; not IE6 / Windows :)
I have no choice except to force Arial fonts in Firefox prefs, because I'm a full time Linux user.
All other sites look good in their own fonts except dani :(

Member Avatar for diafol

This site was developed by professional web dev team. Are you saying that the front-end wasn't tested in one of the main OS/browser combinations? I don't believe you! That would be, well, preposterous, wouldn't it?

And before anybody bangs on about the 'unfeasibility' of testing every possible combination - rubbish.
A partitioned machine running multiple OSes, each with a full bank of browsers shouldn't be beyond a dev company. However, is it something to do with FF's new release? Does the previous version react in the same way?

Member Avatar for nileshgr

So you mean to say I'm lying ?
I showed you the screenshot above.
Its surely not anything to do with latest FF release; if it was how come other 100 sites which I visit daily (I visit dani also daily), work fine ?

> So you mean to say I'm lying ?

*facepalm*; sarcasm detection.....failed. :-)

> Its surely not anything to do with latest FF release

A couple a things we'd like to confirm:
- Have you tried flushing the browser cache?
- Does this happen only with *nix + FF or with *nix + any browser?
- Does programmingforums look the same way?

Member Avatar for nileshgr

This happens only with *nix + FF, the situation is not so bad in chrome, but a little dissatisfactory.
I have tried flushing the cache, doesn't help
Programming forums looks much better with the default settings on the site (I don't have to force the font).

The Browsershots web-based service is pretty awesome at doing this for a quick idea of compatibility across multiple OSes and browser clients - you give it the site URL, it gives you a ton of screenshots showing you how it looks.

I'm not involved in the site development side of DaniWeb, but would be very surprised if Dani (or the web design consultants) had not done compatibility testing.

And before anybody bangs on about the 'unfeasibility' of testing every possible combination - rubbish. A partitioned machine running multiple OSes, each with a full bank of browsers shouldn't be beyond a dev company. However, is it something to do with FF's new release? Does the previous version react in the same way?

Member Avatar for diafol

> So you mean to say I'm lying ?
> ...would be very surprised if Dani (or the web design consultants) had not done compatibility testing

Hah! I've managed to reel in both freshwater and seawater trouts!

Hah! I've managed to reel in both freshwater and seawater trouts!

I know my plaice...

Arch Linux / Firefox 3.6.3

I just finished installing Ubuntu 10 with FF 3.6.3 and do not see the problem shown in that screenshot. DaniWeb looks just like it does in Windows 7 and IE8.

yeah i agree.... MAYBE itech7 is lying on screenshots, but i will totally agree on him on the page load, it takes a head ache waiting on page loads, good thing i can hover on threads to see its description before i click a thread i want to engage.

Member Avatar for nileshgr

I don't have any intention to make a useless thread just to lie about the pathetic look of the interface.
Ubuntu is a different story, it pre-installs many things you never know. May be I need to tweak my fonts.conf. I have enabled Hinting, I'll try disabling that.

yeah dont worry itech7 i believe you... what do you get from lying? nothing...

Member Avatar for nileshgr

I tried changing stuff in my fonts.conf, disabled hinting and antialiasing and vice versa, but nothing solves the problem. Instead any changes make the appearance of other applicaitons and sites weird.

There is surely something wrong. Either my system doesn't have the font dani's using or something to do with dani's font config only.

Can somebody tell me which font dani is using ?

Member Avatar for diafol

If you use ff, get Prederick's Web Developer plugin and look at the underlying CSS. The fonts will be listed therein.

Member Avatar for nileshgr

^^ Just check that out. I have all the fonts listed there in, but still I'm getting the weird look :\

I'm using Firefox 3.5.10 (in a virtual environment) and 3.6.6 under Slackware Linux 12.1. Daniweb looks (unfortunately) more or less the same as it does with IE on a Windows machine.

Member Avatar for nileshgr

I installed ttf-linux-libertine and its now fixed. I am still wondering how is this happening. I had all the fonts earlier which were listed by Firebug. LOL.

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