I get old search result when clicking the menu bar on bottom of the window. I would also much appreciate one word text or iconic menu for mobile phone browsers once the bug is fixed.

To reproduce (Platform WindowsXP, browser Firefox 4.0.1)
I click New Posts after clicking Python Forum, it comes OK.
I click Threads I've posted in, refresh and New Posts again.
I click Threads I've posted in, the Treads I've posted in comes up.

Do you mean the purple bar at the bottom of the screen? So basically your problem is this: I click Threads I've posted in, refresh and New Posts again. Am i right so far?

Do you mean the purple bar at the bottom of the screen? So basically your problem is this: I click Threads I've posted in, refresh and New Posts again. Am i right so far?

No, I click Threads, after New, but browser just refresh and show again New, after next menu click it shows Threads. Always one behind except for first click after initial entering the forum by link.

Yes that has been a problem for a long time now -- every since DaniWeb went purple. I've just learned to click the New Posts link (or one of the others) twice in order to get good results. The problem does not occur if you are reading some thread then click New Posts.

I think this might be a bug with our search feature. I'll look into it, although probably not this week.

I confirmed that this annoying issue is still there, should some kind of 'double click' solution be found for this issue (ie doing search twice when not first click of the menu on page)

June really got the best of me, and then I completely forgot to follow up. Unfortunately I have conferences and meetings lined up nearly every day for the rest of September into the first half of October. I will try to squeeze in some time to check it out. Maybe tomorrow or the latter part of this upcoming week.

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