I think that there are alot of members on this forum that receive quite a bit of their posts voted for, but receive no postive or negative reputation points. I would tend to think that the majority of the time, the members that are doing the voting are not aware of the fact that...

If you just click the arrow, you are voting without reputation. However, If you hover over the arrow, and type a comment, you are voting with reputation.

Wouldn't it make the system eaiser to use if just by voting you are also giving the member reputation as well? If members feel that your posts are helpful and vote on them, isnt that enough of a factor to increase your reputation on the forum?

Just a thought....

The whole purpose of the up/down arrows is to let members vote anomously and avoid giving rep. IMO its just as easy to enter a comment if you want to give rep and I see no reason to change the system.

i think the even bigger concern , is the ammount of useful and helpful posts that receive no voting at all, with or without rep.

some of these people are just plain ungrateful :(

It should be super super easy though to vote without rep. Just one click.

i think the even bigger concern , is the ammount of useful and helpful posts that receive no voting at all, with or without rep.

some of these people are just plain ungrateful :(

Providing answers and help is a thankless job, to be sure. But that makes the thanks you do get all the more rewarding. :)

It should be super super easy though to vote without rep. Just one click.

It is. However giving rep is another story. It took me a few days to figure out that "vote and comment" is a button :-/

It took me a few days to figure out that "vote and comment" is a button :-/

You don't need to know that it is. Just hover over the arrows, and the popup automatically appears with the cursor already having focus. Just type and hit enter.

The hover part is little tough (ie impossible) in my mobile, so no rep then from me, sorry!

also i might be mistaken but i think the "vote and comment" automaticly awards rep, even if you over over the "down" arrow to get the pop up, enter a negative comment, and click "vote&comment" to vote down.

Then the rep of poster should be reduced by your negative rep power which is often much less than positive power.

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I quite like the compactness of the up/down vote/ rep. However, I can see ho it would be confusing to a noob. I almost never give neg rep, so didn't cross my mind to hover over downarrow. Makes perfect sense now, but that would have been 'another little thing' to confuse me.

WRT thankless tasks - if you've come here to have your ego stroked, you've come to the wrong place. :)

How about those hover hint boxes explaining shortly the way to vote/give rep, Dani? Only that the action already happens before user reads the note, and those who know get annoyed for delay :( I do can Flag Bad Post unlike the rep because it is hyperlink even from mobile.

Then the rep of poster should be reduced by your negative rep power which is often much less than positive power.

it isn't, it gives positive rep even if you hover over the down arrow before entering a comment.

edit : it also counts as a uparrow click, giving the post a +1 score.

I think this is a good discussion as it is obvious that there are many opinions about this topic. Just for the record...I am not really intereseted in the reputation points, or inflating an ego. I just came across this and thought that it was something that could be improved on.

I would assume that most people that arrive at this site are just looking for help, and those that give advise just enjoy giving the help. Overall, this site is one of the better forums out there and I enjoy contributing. I dont think that chaging the reputation system will add or remove from the value of this site. Again, it was confusing to me and thought that it may be confusing to others. Dani and her team have done an outstanding job and I congratulate them on it.

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