How long has the Page rendered in 0.1497 seconds using 3.33MB etc message been around on this site :o

Am I that ignorant to not have noticed it before? Caught my eye a second ago haha.

It's taken me 5 hours longer than yourself and I only noticed it because of this thread or i would have been non the wiser.

I've seen it for at least a week or two, I just "assumed" it had always been there, but unnoticed by me... :)

Last week, James and I had been having memcache issues, where establishing a connection to memcache was slowing down page times significantly. I put it there to help me debug the issue, and left it because I thought it was a cute lil statistic to have.

So, not an easter egg then?

Ah fair enough, tis kinda cool anyway :)

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