I know there are plenty of other places to get info or code snippets for microcontroller programming (especially arduino).
Out of all the boards/sites I visit, I like the DaniWeb format the most. I was wondering if a microcontroller or arduino section could have a home here. Or would that be best classified under "Software Development\C", or other various languages that can be used for more than 1 type of hardware?
Or Raspberry Pi, would that be a "Linux and Unix" thing, or something else?
Honestly, I'm just happy you have a Python section of its own, a couple other places I visit don't even have that.

I guess it could make sense. I would certainly like that, as I can provide some help in that domain, and am interested in that in general. I don't have the patience to watch the C forum anymore, just on the off chance that an interesting embedded systems question comes up. I think what would make most sense is a topic under "Hardware & Software" and call it "Embedded Systems" or "Embedded Development" or something like that. The point is to not make the title too Arduino-focused or too programming-focused, or even too uC-focused. Embedded system development is really the intersection of micro-controller programming, low-level hardware issues (setting registers, interrupts, GPIOs, etc.), and electronics. They all go hand in hand. For programming that is more removed from hardware, but still constrained, the C / Assembly / Legacy forums are good. For micro-Linux configuration stuff (like setting up or troubleshooting a Raspberry Pi), the Linux / Unix forum is good. But there are things that don't fit anywhere, like this recent thread on the C++ forum.

I was wondering if a microcontroller or arduino section could have a home here. Or would that be best classified under "Software Development\C", or other various languages that can be used for more than 1 type of hardware?
Or Raspberry Pi, would that be a "Linux and Unix" thing, or something else?

There are multiple options. If you are writing it in C, posting it in the C section and adding a relevant "tag" should be good enough. Similarly with Python and other langauges; depends on the language your code snippet is in. Or, if your code is in a language which is not natively supported by this forum or it contains a dash of multiple languages, you can post it in the top level Software Development category and tag it accordingly.

I like the "Emdedded Development" option. I also browse the C forums looking for micro-controller related stuff. One more section called "Embedded Development" would cover a lot of ground without adding a lot of clutter.

Creating new sub-forums is pretty much out of question these days since the focus/shift for the new Daniweb is more towards tagging stuff rather than creating new categories for things.

well, honestly that's depressing but I can kinda see where you're coming from. I like to go to my favorite sections and browse 'snippets', 'unanswered', etc. individually. So a search doesn't sound good to me unless I'm looking for a specific answer, and not just generally browsing code/comments.

We used to have an Embedded Devices forum and it just didn't gain enough popularity to stay active, so it was rolled up into Software Development or hardware or I forget what (it was a few years ago).

As Sanjay mentioned, we're trying to focus on breaking content up by tags instead of forum categories to accomidate a virtual unlimited amount of topics and categories.

Okay, thats an even better reason. Maybe one day they will gain enough traction to warrant their own sections. For now I'll just keep searching. Thanks.

Well feel free to post your question and tag it with embedded-devices, so that all of the threads about the same topic can easily be grouped/found together.

definitely. i believe in using good tags. please don't take my responses as 'trolling' or anything negative. you both have given me good answers, and like i've said before, daniweb is my favorite code-related forum/site.

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