With the constant growth of NoSQL databases, wouldn't it be convenient if Daniweb had a nosql forum? Maybe not specialized forums like MSSQL, MySQL or Oracle, but a general forum for NoSQL database systems.

The idea is that such things should now be posted in the Web Devlelopment|Databases category and tagged as NoSQL

Oh, so in the general forum? I'm so used to navigating directly to the specific forums I forget those even exist.

I just thought that, given the fact that not everyone tags their posts, a specialized forum might help on keeping those threads organized in the database general forum.

I just thought that, given the fact that not everyone tags their posts, a specialized forum might help on keeping those threads organized in the database general forum.

Well, the idea is to encourage everyone to start tagging their posts. If the users/posters don't themselves tag it, you can flag it as a bad post as one of the moderators will do the tagging. This should hopefully increase the "tag" adoption since with new technologies coming in so quick, one forum per topic model is very difficult to maintain. There are two ways in which websites are dealing with this; some boards/sites just have a blanket sub-forum for dealing with topics. For e.g. they would have a forum called "programming langages" which can contain query for any programming language. Other forums (notably SO) have gone the tagging route which makes it so much easier to filter/organize content.

Daniweb has gone the hybrid route; should be interesting to see how this pans out. :)

I'm so used to navigating directly to the specific forums I forget those even exist.

Prior to the current system, you couldn't post directly to the categories, which I think is a big part of the confusion.

should be interesting to see how this pans out. :)

Yup. I'm hoping it works out. ;)

with new technologies coming in so quick, one forum per topic model is very difficult to maintain

I agree. Also, I'm glad Daniweb adopted this hybrid method, since I for one get lost on places like SO and never go further than the first page :P but that may be just a design/layout issue I have with the site.

Well, the idea is to encourage everyone to start tagging their posts.

It's hard enough getting users to create a decent title let alone a coherent question. I can't see them going to the trouble of creating sensible tags.

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