I see that daniweb.com has been updated but now I don't see a solved button on any of my threads.

Also, could someone tell me why I don't get any spelling feedback while typing a post on daniweb? Every other site I'm on I get spelling feedback. Thanks.

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I see that daniweb.com has been updated but now I don't see a solved button on any of my threads.

It's in an odd placement, at the top right of the page. Working on an improvement to that :)

Also, could someone tell me why I don't get any spelling feedback while typing a post on daniweb? Every other site I'm on I get spelling feedback. Thanks.

Because we use an editor that lets us retain spaces, have Markdown syntax highlighting, and some other features. As such, it's not a traditional textbox, and therefore your web browser doesn't recognize it as such in order to activate its spell checker.

Thanks. I'm still trying to find that 'sovled' button.

Top right about 3 inches down with the text Answered? Mark As Solved. You can always use your browser to do a Find of the text.

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