i am very glade to told you that you guys must learn java programing language because i think aproximate one billion devices are running java...so first of all i recommeded you that you guys get the "The complete Java reference book 2"it is the best book for you guys believe me and if you guys take some interest in java you have a greate future ..
thanks you guys ask me questions or whatever i help you thanks..............

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Member needhelp88 is currently bit stuck http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/java/threads/449219/logic-problem-using-modulo-operator-3-x-3-board -- maybe you can help him?

next to JamesCherrill 's points : you never told us to learn Java. been using Java for over a decade, don't remember you being a part of the decision in that time.
there are tons of good books out there. what is the "best" book for one person, might not be the best book for another, since they might like a different approach to the language.
so ... you would recommend us that particular book because you "think aproximate one billion devices are running java" ... ? that's about the weirdest reason I've heard so far.

also, and don't take this personally, even if this was a forum to act as a personal teacher, your teachings are not as good as your skills or knowledge, they're only as good as how good you can pass that on. in your other thread in the Java forum, it sounded as if you were looking for someone to tutor you, while you meant you wouldn't mind tutoring.

if a simple post like that raises that much confusion (and also, if you go on to say we learn Java through video tutorials) (which I at that time assumed was you saying that you meant to say you learned Java through video tutorials), that doesn't really convince me of your knowledge or tutoring skills.
part of learning, and especially teaching, is being able to find (if need be, with help) the right material to use. over 98% of video tutorials are a waste of time, really no need to advertise those.

In this post I point out the books that I find especially helpful to get proficient with Java.

The complete Java reference book 2

Are you perhaps referring to an old version of this? That book is probably not as "complete" as a reference as its title suggests.
If I need reference material on Java, then the API, Oracle JDK source and JLS combined with some Googling do a great job for me.

am also here to learn java...

welcome to daniweb

i am very glade to told you that you guys must learn java programing language because i think aproximate one billion devices are running java...

Just because there are ~1 billion devices running Java, that doesn't mean I need to write code for them. Your statement is basically an appeal to popularity, where because sooo many devices use Java, you must learn it. But what if you don't need to learn it, or don't want to learn it?

It's also unconvincing because you only think there are ~1 billion devices running Java. Lack of confidence in listing statistics only makes those statistics look inaccurate or fake, and it reduces your credibility by a substantial amount.

so first of all i recommeded you that you guys get the "The complete Java reference book 2"it is the best book for you guys believe me

I don't believe you. Convince me that this book is the best. :)

if you guys take some interest in java you have a greate future ..

Vague promise of good things to come is also a fallacy: appeal to emotion. You might even call it a red herring because there's no direct connection between knowing Java and a "great future". The irrelevant "great future" is introduced entirely to make learning Java look attractive. It's also somewhat of a post hoc fallacy because there's an implicit assumption that interest in Java is the cause of a "great future".

you guys must learn java programing language because i think aproximate one billion devices are running java...

Since most JVMs and most components of the Java's standard library implementations are actually programmed in C / C++, and most OSes are programmed in C / C++ / ASM, the number of devices running Java, and for that matter, the amount of Java code running, can only be a small fraction of the C / C++ code running out-there. What's left of your argument now? These kinds of appeals and bullet-points are meaningless drivel, just points that salespeople make for the pigeons. Critical thinking is an important skill, I would suggest perfecting your skills in that domain first.

It's also somewhat of a post hoc fallacy because there's an implicit assumption that interest in Java is the cause of a "great future".

I totally agree. Most great programmers in the world have at least some experience with Java (as I have, even though barely ever need to read or write Java code), does that mean the their great skills or success come from their knowledge of Java? I doubt it. Even if you are programming in Java all day and are really good and successful with it, who says you wouldn't do just as good if you happened to be programming in some other language. This is like saying that most Nobel prize winners are American or British, so it must mean that speaking English makes you more intelligent and successful in sciences.

Dihydrogen Monoxide is a colorless and odorless chemical compound. Its basis is the highly reactive hydroxyl radical, a species shown to mutate DNA, denature proteins, disrupt cell membranes, and chemically alter critical neurotransmitters.

LOL. Yeah, dihydrogen monoxide is everywhere, and I'm addicted to it, have been since I was born (my mother was consuming a lot of it when she was pregnant). Now, I can't even spend a day without consuming some before I feel the withdrawal symptoms... and after a few days without it, I could just die for some.

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