Hello Everyone,

I have been a long time member, but have been absent for quite some time. Recently I have wanted to start posting some of the things that have assisted me as a Systems Administrator. My background is primarily windows based, with little coding and networking experience.

I am going to start with a series based on a Windows 2008 migration. It will be in bits and pieces, but the information will be sound, and once I’m complete, you should have a decent idea of what to expect and some of the pitfalls I encountered.

Hope you enjoy!

Sounds great!! Welcome back. Looking forward to reading your mini-tutorials!

Thanks Dani. Question, is there a specific location to place instruction based posts? I dont want to put anything in the incorrect location. Thanks for any help!

Nope, just put them in the most appropriate category, and use tags to further select niche topics. An admin can/will then come along and promote them to tutorials if they're lengthy and of a high quality.

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