hi. ive started a blog and looking for critique if possible.


As an author and programmer I always check the site code first.
https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=http%3A%2F%2Fantifake-news.co.uk%2F only has a few errors so you should be able to clean that up next.

Beyond that, hope you find a good book (I read your site too) and think about flawed code on your site may reflect poorly on you as you use it in your resume.

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Content or design?

OK Ben, seeing as you asked.

  1. Why are you copying the work of others, with no link to the originals? See the Ed Milliband piece which you state is by Peter Jones, but do you have permission to use his work in full like this? No mention of it, and no mention that it's not an original piece of work for your site. Actually, it was published here: https://nedamullen.blogspot.com/2012/07/ed-miliband-re-writes-history.html SOME FIVE YEARS AGO as well. It has also appeared elsewhere, and I suspect the original goes back even further. I can't be bothered to look any more. I could shout FAKE NEWS at you I guess, because that's what you are publishing by doing this isn't it? Your date on it is Feb 2017 by the way.

  2. Love the irony of your terms and conditions which state: "You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit any portion of the Service, use of the Service, or access to the Service or any contact on the website through which the service is provided, without express written permission by us." Ha ha ha ha ha.

  3. Over to you Ben, to explain. Not that your site will be around for long once the original publishers and authors of the work you are using get their lawyers on it.
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