Just clean installed opensuse.

Horrified to see all the system directories vaccant. tried cc-ying and making - nothing found in $PATH. looking in /usr/local/bin no cc or gcc. Try searching forums - some papinjay tells to download from YCAST. I see only ycast2 loaded in my machine and no gcc no where!

Why on earth I can not compile a damn simple C program after 5 hours of OPENSUSE install. WHY WOULD NOVEL CUT BACK ON GCC AUTOINSTALL IN OPENSUSE!?!?

I feel mugged big time.

Any help anyone

Tx & Rgds

I don't know that much about OpenSUSE, but it's not *that* uncommon for a distro to not include compiler tools with a base installation, particularly the more graphically-oriented ones. Is there something preventing you from installing gcc via YaST?

Just tell me the path please from YAST. I checked no path leads to gcc but I may be wrong.

In YaST, you'll have to make sure that oss and non-oss repositories are enabled. Then update it, and you should be able to search within the software for the gcc package.

In YaST, you'll have to make sure that oss and non-oss repositories are enabled. Then update it, and you should be able to search within the software for the gcc package.

Tku so much. The YAST was hidden inconspicuously. Found it. Tried installing gcc again and is asking for CDs, not netdownloading etc etc..

Tx Anyways

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