i have been working on clustering genes.. but some how i could not cluster the data set of 5000 genes. why ?

here is the coding i used..

save soosai.mat j
load soosai.mat
plot(j(1:150,:)') //( maximum i can do)//
corrDist = pdist(j, 'corr');
clusterTree = linkage(corrDist, 'average');
clusters = cluster(clusterTree, 'maxclust', 100);


for c = 1:100
plot(j((clusters == c),:)');
axis tight

i could not plot the dendrogram n clustergram as well..
hope anyone can guide me in this


what language is that?

whichever it is, I doubt it allows for unmatched quotes...

Matlab? You never know with Matlab, maybe it does allow unmatched quotes :)

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