hello everyone,
I'm in a certain college in Tanzania. This college is crap!!! I lost my interest with programming because of this college. I moved to networking, but now i think i should go every possible angle.
Do you think its possible to be a multi-professional in computer regions?

But the most important question to you guys, how did you start in programming?till now u are professionals!

Well, we did two languages, i.e pascal and VB v6, learned some algorithms and data structures. Given no projects! (that means projects on our own!). What we did with those programs is crap!!

Please help!

thanking you in advance!

Almost ALL schoolkids think their school is bad because it doesn't let them do what they want to do.

If you're bright you'll recognise that what most kids want to do is anything BUT schoolwork so it's a good thing schools don't let the kids decide for themselves.

What languages a school uses to teach programming is largely irrelevant. Pascal is in fact an EXCELLENT choice (VB6 isn't, but that's another story that has nothing to do with education and everything with VB6).
As to having to come up with your own project ideas, that's excellent. Teaches you to think for yourself, something far too few kids these days can do.

As to starting out as a pro, learning to think for yourself is the first step.
And remember that most professionals didn't go to school to learn to program, they taught themselves or were taught on the job.

And remember that most professionals didn't go to school to learn to program, they taught themselves or were taught on the job.

That was my case too. I didn't start learning until later in my life, over 40. I bought a cheap C compiler, a book, and started studying. Then I got an entry-level temp job at Account Temps and my career took off from there.


Thank you very much. you helped a lot! I think I'm going to have a busy vacation this time trying to learn some new stuff!..

Thanks! I appreciate!..

i'm on my way, and started out exactly like ancient dragon. But i'm only 13.

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