I'm working with really crazy project...I'm writing OS! At this time it displays few lines of text and echoing user input. But i'm working very hard because all information on the web is in asm but I want to work in C++. So can anyone suggest good website with good tutorial about writing OS?

Most of the codes have to be written in asm and c when writing OS. I don't think it's a good idea to write OS in c++. acctrually, I'm doing the same work for my project. It's hard, but you can't get rid of it.

I know that. I need tutorials and documentation about drivers and other stuff but i can't find it.

I don't necessarily know where to start for a complete OS, but I have made drivers before.

You can find a forum, and articles and what not at

This is a primarily windows site btw, but many drivers at least share a lot of similarities.

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