As part of my second year project in CIS i am implementating a system for a public school which will ultimately replace an old manual system that they use. I am required to do a feasibility study on this, which will in the end of course determine if the system is viability. My question is what are some of the steps or stages that are mandatory that should be included this study.

Much Thanks

I don't just wanna exist, I wanna live to change the world

implementating a system for a public school which will ultimately replace an old manual system that they use.

My question is what are some of the steps or stages that are mandatory that should be included this study.

What should this "system" do? Alarm, make coffee, check students for absence, play Rick Astley?

some steps:
Get a detailed description on what the customer wants
Gather info on what systems are available and list the pro's/con's
Choose between buying something that exists are develop something new
Compare prizes/tenders

What should this "system" do? Alarm, make coffee, check students for absence, play Rick Astley?

some steps:
Get a detailed description on what the customer wants
Gather info on what systems are available and list the pro's/con's
Choose between buying something that exists are develop something new
Compare prizes/tenders

Okay... Sorry about that, I intension is do up a Student Records Database.

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