My question is simple, what happen to Internet Exporer, after instaling Firefox. And, it is better ?. :?:

My question is simple, what happen to Internet Exporer, after instaling Firefox. And, it is better ?. :?:

Nothing ,you will still be able to usw IE,as a mater of fact you will have to use IE to get Windows updates .and Firefox is a really good browser ,I use both ,you can actually use both at the Same Time !

Nothing will happen to ie if you install firefox. Which is better?? Try both and use your own oppinion. Its like asking which is better, pepsi or coke. Its a personal choice. Just dont buy the hype fire fox is more secure. The best security is knowledge,common sense,and finding correct information. Dont be afraid to try other browsers as well. Lots to choose from. All free. Try em and pick the best one for you and your needs. Have a nice day.

Just dont buy the hype fire fox is more secure.

Actually, firefox is more secure.

Security holes/flaws in browser program code aside, the simple fact is that third-party browsers such as Firefox present much less of an avenue of attack because they operate at the application layer; they simply do not have the system level access rights that are so often exploited in Internet Explorer.

A good explantion of this can be found here:


Thank you for the link. I have seen that before. Most problems that people run into such as virus, spy ware and such have nothing to do with which browser they use. I speak in general. General speaking thats just the case. Most problems are not caused by which browser they use. Allot of major issues are caused both by p2p or "free ware" which is add supported in most cases. Allot can be accounted for as simple human greed or error. The big thing of late is wireless. Now thats security issues. To make such a huge statement as this is way more secure than that in my humble opinion is wrong. Its using fear. To many average users buy into that use fire fox and think they are bulletproof. Nothing is 100 percent. For most people. IE or Fire fox Or opera will work for them just fine. Myself I have used nothing but IE and no problems. Set IE to default security wise and your fine. I had to change some of my ie settings because it was to secure and would not let me download a file I wanted. Just my 2 cents. Have a nice day.

Thank to every body.

helloimtim, that's just plain wrong!

helloimtim, that's just plain wrong!

Yes, but tell us how you really feel, Catweazle.


I already did, DMR, by posting and stickying this topic.

Sorry to intrude in such an off-topic way in this forum section, but seriously, 90% of the problems encountered in this section and in the 'Viruses and nasties' section could be avoided by changing browsers and discontinuing the use of Internet Explorer!

Sorry to intrude in such an off-topic way in this forum section, but seriously, 90% of the problems encountered in this section and in the 'Viruses and nasties' section could be avoided by changing browsers and discontinuing the use of Internet Explorer!

No intrution whatsoever; I was just "tweaking" you a bit just for the fun of it.

Seriously though- both my online and "real life" work as a computer consultant/troubleshooter have proven to me that what I (and you) have said concerning IE is true and valid. I've also been doing online support long enough that I've learned to not get very involved in the "flame wars" that might arise as a result of my posting my opinions.... ;)

Hey I respect what your saying about the security. I just with all due respect disagree. I speak of your general user. I think it doesn't matter what browser you use. Do unsafe silly things and your gonna get nailed. Personally I think keeping personal important information on any computer can bite you in the butt. Surf the nasty sites. Well no browser is gonna help ya there if your not set up right. Sooner or later they will go after fire fox. With wireless and such you could be 100 percent correct maybe fire fox is and other Indy browser is the best bet. I have no idea on that. I don't use wireless and probably never will. No worries about flames from me. I respect everyone opinion. May not agree and thats cool. There will never be a right wrong answer to computer security. To many grey areas. I am an adult and I refuse to blast anyone for having a different opinion. Its simply called respect for my fellow human being. Peace. I'm out..........

I hears ya helloimtim, but for the general user, changing to Firefox, Mozilla or Opera will mean that he or she gets 'nailed' with MUCH less of the nasties which are out there to nail ya!

Most of them are specifically designed to exploit weaknesses in Internet Explorer, and can't get in if you use a decent browser!

No use theorising about whether or not the people who write 'nasties' are gonna target other browsers in future. We're helping people sort things out here and now!

Disconnecting from the internet will mean they get hit even less frequently...

The ONLY reason there's less nasties being distributed through FF is because it's too new and not widely used.
FF gives a false sense of security. There's a spade of critical security holes which are going unplugged, a phenomenon well established in the OS world (after all, making nice new things is more fun than fixing bugs so that doesn't get done...).

FF is far from a decent browser. I've done some testing and it's got serious problems with W3 compliant HTML and ECMA compliant Javascript. Things any decent browser should be able to cope with.

Many of you know I have said time and time again that this whole firefox is more secure is pure hype. I have said time and time again. Use which browser you wish. Just make sure your set up right. I have seen time and time again people tell me how wrong I was which I respect completley. Thats cool. Now its my turn to make my point. Here ya go. http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,1558,1754502,00.asp

Many of you know I have said time and time again that this whole firefox is more secure is pure hype. I have said time and time again. Use which browser you wish. Just make sure your set up right. I have seen time and time again people tell me how wrong I was which I respect completley. Thats cool. Now its my turn to make my point. Here ya go. http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,1558,1754502,00.asp

I was given negative points from the ill-educated for explaining simple security basics in the past here. So I pretty much keep my knowledge to myself. The link below.
True security views

Gotta love browser wars! :) Interesting article. I was weaned to the www on Netscape and have never had much use for IE, except for Windows Update and certain sites that format for IE only. Mozilla is my browser of choice; nothing is perfect but in my experience/opinion it's just plain better :!:

Internet Explorer 6 Security VS Firefox 1.0 Security

Oh dear!


Of course Firefox has some security issues of its own. There are some, although many less than for IE, but that doesn't make it 'as bad as' IE. The unique security isues of Firefox are mild in comparison. What you arte trying to do is suggest that a vehicle with a crack in the turn signal indicator lens is just as bad as a vehicle with a back wheel missing!


Your suggestion to lock down access to a limited user account and Security features turned way up high might sound good and all, but it leaves the system very limited as to what can be done on the internet. I'd maintain that it would render the system, for many many popular activities, unuseable!

whoever gave negative feedback to someone for expressing their view:

If I found out who you were I'd ban your ass quicker than you could blink! That's disgusting! :twisted:

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