I am a b.tech cse 7th sem student and my training is going to commence from jan'10 onwards .please tell me about the companies which are providing training free of cost and how 2 apply for them.its urgent.

I m pretty sure, software companies that hire you , train you before they assign projects to you. That way you ll be given a training that will suit your project !

sir its so nice of you that u sent a reply bt m looking 4 a company which could provide me training in six months period in which our training is scheduled as a part of our curriculum and till now i havnt got placed in any company

No company will have such a deal, free training??

You have to learn experience for yourself through toil and hardwork
become remarkably good at what you do.

There are no shortcuts in life no matter what anyone tells you

Richard West

If you are USA citizen or legal immigrant then join the US military. They will give you all the free training you will want. Most colleges and universities in USA have Cadet programs that let you attend college full time and give scholarships to help pay for tuition etc. I know medical doctors who got their medical degree free via military programs. Well, maybe not exactly "free" ... it cost them about 10 years of their life on active duty.

commented: lol :D +0

I am a mca student of 5th sem student and my training is going to commence from jan onwards .please tell me about the companies which are providing training free of cost and how 2 apply for them.its urgent.

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By free training, do you mean open source training!

Free training only exists from companies to which you work for them for quite some time and repay the costs through learnt skill and work, so in essence it's not free training. More a case of investment on their behalf and experience for you.

I am currently pursuing B.Tech(Information Technology) 5th semester. I will be completing my 6th semester by the end of May 2011. As per our University rules, I have to undergo six months training in an IT company. Kindly advice me about the reputed companies in U.S.A where I can pursue the training and how to apply for the training.

how can i get six months training in tcs

Ask your school counsoler.

I am currently pursuing B.Tech(Information Technology) 7th semester. I will be completing my 7th semester by the end of dec 2010. As per our University rules, I have to undergo six months training in an IT company. Kindly advice me where I can pursue the free training in database field (sql)and how to apply for the free training.

Don't you people ever talk to your school consolers??? Or don't they have them any more? You might also find employment by asking at a local head hunter (employment agency).

do you wana join bio tech training..???

I m ronnie, studing B.tech(biotech) IInd yr.
i want to pursue summer training in biotechnology field near delhi and noida.
i would be gratefull if could send me a list of either companies or hospital where i can apply for training .

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