Should i go to ITT TECH or South Seattle Community College for Computer Networking Systems.

I'm 45 yrs. old and have no time to waste. $47,000.00 for 2 years at ITT and only got half that in grants and scholarships is payed for. sscc, free ride 1st 2 years need serious feedback please!

Should i go to ITT TECH or South Seattle Community College for Computer Networking Systems.

Really serious about where i need to go so Serious feedback is encouraged. I'm 45 yrs old and have no time to waste, i have orientation at ITT on thursday, and can start winter quarter at sscc in jan.

I don't think that many people will be able to answer you because not many know where these colleges are, never mind their status.

I would suggest you phone some IT companies around the area that has employed students from these colleges and get a reference from them.:)

yes I think that He is right

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