I am an undergraduate student and. I have been facing a difficulty with my studies for quite some time. I hope you wouldn't mind sparing a few minutes to advise me on this matter.

The problem is that whenever I read my lecture notes or a textbook or a labscript, I tend to question every single sentence in every paragraph. Also, I spend a lot of time trying to restructure the notes (by rewriting them again) so that the arguments flow smoothly and so that all the assumptions have been taken into account. This becomes a laborious task. As an example, here is an extract from a computing labscript.

Create another project workspace called section4. From the course website, copy the file fourvector.h. This file will look as shown in Figure 6. Notice the mechanism in fourvector.h by which we specify the derived class inherits from the base class: class fourvector : public threevector. Notice that we need to #include the threevector.h file in fourvector.h so that the compiler knows about it when it reads the inheritance statement; this is why threevector.h is not needed in the main program (see Figure 7). Since the fourvector class inherits from the threevector class, then when we make a fourvector object, we are also making a threevector object implicitly at the same time. Hence, we have to specify the threevector constructor as part of the fourvector constructor. There are three constructors in the fourvector class and each calls the appropriate constructor from the base class using the notation: fourvector(...) : threevector(...).

For a start, I'd focus on every single word of the first sentence. I'd ponder on them until I have formed some visual equivalent of every single word. (This could take a few minutes.) Having done that, I will have been satisfied that I understand everything implied by the first sentence. Then, I'd on to move to the second sentence and repeat. During that process, I'd resructure the paragraph to remove redundant words and to make the arguments flow smoothly. This is what I would have ended up with.

To specify that the derived class inherits from the base class,

use the mechanism class fourvector : public threevector in fourvector.h.

When the compiler reads the inheritance statement,

it must know about threevector.h.

So, #include the threevector.h file in fourvector.h.

So, do not #include the threevector.h file in the main program.

The fourvector class inherits from the threevector class,

so when we make a fourvector object,

we are making a threevector object implicitly.

So, specify the threevector constructor as part of the fourvector constructor.

There are three constructors in the fourvector class.

Each calls the appropriate constructor from the base class using the notation: fourvector(...) : threevector(...).

And this is only the beginning. After I have finished analysing the entire section, I'd play around with the code until I have understood the motivation behind every single line. I would try to deduce from first principles the motivation and implementation of a class. So, I'd start off with int main(void){} and then add in more and more code. I do this so that I can have a complete understanding of the concepts of the course. I fear I might be asked questions in the script (during the interview) that rely on my excellent understanding of the concepts in the text. I am not a genius, so I can answer those questions only if I have generalised and unified (as above) the different parts of the code.

I don't know if my way of studying is utterly flawed or if this is the way to go forward. I am asking this question because this process eats up a lot of my time. Please enlighten me.

Try using keywords and highlighting it helps. It worked for me. Pratice is easier to study compare to theory. Hope it helps, i am just a 13 year old student so i am not so good in this areas

Try to use keywords and then, after all notes are done, try to make your lab study out of it. Don't make the sentences during the lesson.

I agree with xman7707 using keywords. Though i am not so sure what is lab study?

Train yourself bit by bit to also appreciate the "big picture" ideas. What is it telling you about inheritance? What are some of the relationships between classes? If you focus too much on the minutiae, you'll miss the overall point, which is the thing that is likely to be tested in the university.

The little details are important, too, as you said for some situations when interviewing, but you're not going to be able to remember all of the details forever. The concepts will stay with you and be timeless.

jonsca, do you mean that we have to concentrate on the more important things while the less importan t thing spent less time on it.

I was saying you have to do both equally well (maybe with a slight imbalance towards the big picture ideas, depending on the subject of the course and your university or school). Later on down the line, you can look up the facts in a book (or online!) but the big picture concepts stay with you.

Ok, thanks for the study tips jonsca

I think OP is analyzing it way too much. there is no reason why you should rewrite the statement again. Its perfectly clear with its intentions. I think the problem is that you are confused about the theory. You need to just get more practice in first. Then the theory will make more sense because you actually have an concrete understanding of whats being said in the sentence. So for right now, don't waste your time rewriting it. There is no point. Use that free time to go play with friends or something.

Some people when they rewrite again they remembered more better. This study method does not work for everyone. Give it a try and if you think it does not help drop the study method and use another one.

Rewriting key terms, phrases and coding examples works amazingly well for me. I use the approach in every class ~ laborious yes but definitely helps with retention and as a study tool before quizzes, tests etc. Good Luck!

People in high school and college should always look into what is known as their VARK inclination (see for example http://www.vark-learn.com/english/index.asp -- a lot of the websites on the topic will be trying to sell you something, so be wary). Usually you take an inventory and you get scored to the extent that you are a visual, auditory, read-write (as it seems scarlettmoon is, at least partly ;)), and kinesthetic.

I tended to be a read/write learner, too. I does take a lot longer, but for me it was worth it. It's easy to get lost in the facts that way, so it ties into what I was mentioning above. Sometimes doing it by rote doesn't serve you the best for the particular course that you are in, so it helps to integrate sorting/rewriting those facts into concepts, which you can sort into ideas, theories, schools of though, etc.

student life is hell

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