What Defect/Bug/Issue tracker do people use?

I want a recommendation of something to use... trac and bugzilla seem to heavy,

I use Mantis. Compared to the ones you mention, very lightweight, but it suits my needs.

commented: mantis looks good +0

Yeah, I like the look of mantis. Wil do for now.

Going to write one myself, eventually.... as its kind of a niche role (needs to do reporting and be accessible from android device for QA testers, have subversion integration, ability to kick off builds and run tests as part of our contiunious integration)

YouTrack by jetbrains (free upto 10 users)
Jira from Atlassian (we are one of their partners, only commercial version)
JTrac (open source)
Redmine (used for last project with a big news aggregator in UK)

Got mantis up and running. :)

Cheers anyway. Going to start coding mine tonight though :p

Got mantis up and running. :)

Cheers anyway. Going to start coding mine tonight though :p

NP, I was just increasing poll options ;)

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