What does everyone think of the new ipods? The nano's are WAY too overpriced. The 8G nano costs $249, the 30G iPod costs $249, my question, who in their right minds is going to get the 8G nano?

I think that apple is just going to release their new ipod they've been working on in october/november, and they're trying to get as much of the others as possible.

The 8G nano costs $249, the 30G iPod costs $249, my question, who in their right minds is going to get the 8G nano?

You could have also made that argument a few years ago with the iPod and iPod Mini. The full-sized iPod cost just a little bit more than the iPod Mini, and yet the iPod Mini had way less storage space. The Mini then went on to be the most popular iPod to date (until the Nano came along).

So yes, if you looked at it strictly from a dollar-per-gigabyte ratio, the Nano is a bad deal. But as Apple has found out, people are willing to pay for a novelty. Examples include the black MacBook, the U2 iPod, and of course the 8-gig iPod Nano.

I bought my iPod for about £260 from Apple about 4 1/2 years ago and still use it daily. The battery only lasts about 4 hours now but apart from that everything is fine.

Expensive, yes. Well built, yes.

I bought mine a year ago, 20G color display for $300, a couple of weeks later the nano came along. Sometimes I just hate apple.

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