Hi! I have just installed irssi in Linux, but I cant start it, so I just wondering if anyone can help me start it?

Please provide more information. Do you know where the executable is? Does it crash whenever you try to start it? Most Unix-based systems store their executables is /usr/bin or /usr/share/bin or /usr/local/bin, so look there if you can't find it.

Please provide more information. Do you know where the executable is? Does it crash whenever you try to start it? Most Unix-based systems store their executables is /usr/bin or /usr/share/bin or /usr/local/bin, so look there if you can't find it.

Ok, sorry for that, I will try to be more specific. I have installed it, but I cant find how to start it, i searched for it in the directorys you said but I still cant find it.

Just type "irssi" at the command line, and it should start.

Ok, sorry for that, I will try to be more specific. I have installed it, but I cant find how to start it, i searched for it in the directorys you said but I still cant find it.

if you can't find it try

whereis irssi


locate irssi

hmm, it doesent work either, mabye I did not install it properly then.

I don't know much about whereis, but it's probably the same as locate: it uses a database that's indexed the filesystem. If the database is out of date, for example, installing irssi, then either you will need to update the database, or use the find command.
Updating the database: updatedb (w/ root privaleges)
Using the find command: find / -name "irssi" (root privaleges not necessary)

Ok, I have find it now but I can't start it. It says in the README that I need GLib to compile irssi. How do I know if I have glib? If its to any help I have SUSE 10.0

"Compile" is quite a bit different from "run".
Just run it, and see what happens.

I know the difference between compile and run. And I found a better program now that works, but thanks for all the help anyway:P

Better than irssi? Surely you lie.

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