Just curious, really.:cheesy:

I'm using 100webpage.com It's with banner at the top, which is quite disturbing. 100 mb space (not much) But the service is good.

I've used 4000webs.com No banner nor ads. 4000 mb space (interesting, huh?) But so many many problems.

Sorry I don't remember the bandwidth

They both are free because I just do this for fun, and don't take it that seriously.

So, share your experiences.

I use webspace provided by my ISP
space 200MB, can do it in PHP(no need so far, too much at uni going on), database MySQL (or some microsoft crap but not interested in it :mrgreen: ), no advertising and no problems so far(2years in use)

Wow! Your ISP is amazing.

This isn't an HTML coding question. Moved to the Lounge.

I use www.titanhosts.com they are very realiable, always there to help but are a bit on the expensive side.

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I use Yahoo web hosting. They have a good deal on e-mail addresses, disk space and bandwidth for the price. But their customer service is HORRIBLE when you need help.

For my personal site, I use Unleashed:Revised. I have a reseller account, so I suppose I'm a hosting provider =P. I gotta say, Unleashed:Revised are good. Very well priced, very good customer service, very good features, and no sense of "host control"...

Which leads me to.. FastHosts. Which is where we host alot of sites at work... I've gotta say Fasthosts is the biggest pile of **** I've ever encounterd.

Here's a run-down of problems (we use their Windows/IIS packages, I don't know about their Unix packages).
- They advertise support for PHP, Perl, and compiled CGI...
- Perl doesn't work well because they run CGI scripts on a different server, and that means a Perl script can't access its immediate filesystem: it's stuck on an unrelated server >_<. That is a windows problem, but they don't provide any workarounds.
- Compiled CGI (C++) doesn't seem to work atall, and would probably hit the same locality problems as Perl scripts.
- They outright refuse to add extensions to PHP apparently because of "security". That includes extensions produced BY PHP. PHP would have been a viable alternative for accessing the local filesystem, because it runs in a slightly different way to Perl and C++. As it is, any things we need that are already implemented in optional PHP extensions need to be coded manually.
- The CGI server goes down often, and for extended periods of time (greater than 10 mins)
- We could buy ASP, but that's an extra £10 a year... which doesn't seem like much, but it IS if alot of sites are hosted.
- Their customer support starts with a pre-recorded machine, and when you speak to someone, they may aswell be a machine aswell.
- It basically feels like a system where the "host" is in absolute control. Which is ok, if the host is amicable, but certainly not ok if the host just wants to sell more usually unecessary add-ons.

My work has ALOT of stuff from them. You'd think good custom should equal good support... but seemingly not.,,

If you consider hosting anything more than a 3 page photogallery; don't use FastHosts. They have a flashy website... it may entice you... Just don't sign up =P

I am currently moving my site from Globat.com to MediaTemple.net and so far I can't see why I didn't do this a long time ago! I would recommend the MediaTemple (gs) package to anyone who has a small to medium size site and it's only $20/mo. Look into it!

So far I'm hosting everything myself. At work we do the same (in fact we are a webhost for several customers).
Works well, total control over everything.

And of course no pesky flashing adbanners destroying the look of your site.

my ISP gave me 5meg of plain HTML and i got annoyed so host my own now

I host my own but only when I need to show someone something. (using Apache) I would never leave my computer open and publicly display its address.

I use http://spidahost.com. It hasn't been around very long, but if I run into any problems I can usually get a hold of the owner pretty easily.

I get 500MB with php/mysql for only $1.99 a month.

if you secure your network then its perfectly safe to run your own

I use http://hostony.com, They have a special offer right now... for about $5, I got it before the offer. I think I have 200 Gb, 2 TB Bandwidth.

i am hosted at marvinsweb.net. it is very reliable host, i didn't have any problems with them and no downtime at all.. and their support is superb!! even if you are still not a client. they treat you equally like one..

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