Am I the only one who found that installing X11 from the install disks needed "Pacifist" 3rd party (4th party?) software just to find the X11 software?!

As a mac newbie, before today I had no Idea what X11 is...

Got it sorted though and open office seems to be running nicely...

What a palarva!;)

X11 is included as an installation option when installing Mac OS X. If you choose not to install it, the only way you can get X11 is by installing a third party application like you did.

It's generally better to use Apple's implementation of it, so the next time you reinstall OS X, make sure that X11 is checked in the "advanced install" section of the installer.

or you could use NeoOffice which is a port of OpenOffice, its pretty stable and you dont have to use X11.....

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