I'm having a problem getting a triple boot up and running with XP, 2003, FC6 anyone had any success?

You need to be a little bit more descriptive than that if you want to recieve help. Like what the problem is, any error messages you saw, what order you installed the OSs, etc...

I had it going once. I used grub, had it chainload the Windows boot manager, which then let me choose between XP and 2003. It was a very small hassle as I recall, but nothing particularly difficult.

>I used grub, had it chainload the Windows boot manager, which then let me choose between XP and 2003.
Is there even a way to boot Windows via grub without chainloading? I always assumed that was a given...

Yea, I have a triple boot.. You've got to chanload.. I have had issues like this before, I've had to use fixmbr and reinstall grub to access linux b/c vista would write itself to the mbr.

>I've had to use fixmbr and reinstall grub to access linux b/c vista would write itself to the mbr.
That's why it's always recommended to install Linux as the last OS in a triple-boot (or dual-boot for that matter) setup. Of course, it was unavoidable for you, since Vista was released after you had installed Linux.

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