I am a newbie programmer and was planning Attendance software using fingerprint scanner.Can Any one suggest the best hardware and software.Database suggestions etc


I do not think you want to use fingerprint scanning for attendance. Not only is print recognition a complex process, but many people will not be happy being forced to present fingerprints for attendance.

I would recommend a barcode-based card approach instead. Barcode software and readers are widely available and easy to use.

hi there
The system i am supposed to develop involves both finger print scanning and rfid smart cards.As afar as choice of the hardware,i have to go wit the above mension systems.

Well, if you must use fingerprint scanning then I would imagine that the hardware probably includes software for the management of prints and matching. I can't be of much help though on suggesting that hardware, sorry =(

hi there
have received the hardware yesterday.it has the required SDK.now its time to develop the beast.Its a test during my probation period to check my abilities ;-).any suggestion regarding the development of the software is always welcome.


hi sunil. how is ur system? i'm a newbie also and my boss told me to do the same system as urs. i'm using vb.net 2005. i'm not really good on programming. what scanner did u used? i have a problem on how to integrate my system with the scanner.

tough luck kid. If you can't do the job it's time to come clean to your boss and tell him you lied about your capabilities when you applied for the job.

hi sunil. how is ur system? i'm a newbie also and my boss told me to do the same system as urs. i'm using vb.net 2005. i'm not really good on programming. what scanner did u used? i have a problem on how to integrate my system with the scanner.

i am using a scanner from china called fingertec.but look for other devices online.dont know wat your specs are related to the devices.if you have a scanner,should come with the sdk which allows to get the raw data out of the devices and process it.

first study the sdk of the device.

hope this helps


tough luck kid. If you can't do the job it's time to come clean to your boss and tell him you lied about your capabilities when you applied for the job.

ermm actually i'm not an IT person. i just love to learn programming during my free time. my boss knew about my hobby. that's why he told me to do that thing. i' not lied when apply my job ok. adios....

I am a newbie programmer and was planning Attendance software using fingerprint scanner.Can Any one suggest the best hardware and software.Database suggestions etc


hi Sunil,

Will you be developing the software for web based or desktop based?

Which language will you be using?


The software is developed as desktop based system.i am planning convert it to web based software.its seems a good choice from implementing attendance system over large area.

If you were to make it for a web based system then which language would u prefer?

i would prefer ASP.NET and webservices.Since i am confortable with it.But i wouldnt mind using JSP and using EJB

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