I'm just wondering if using a Mac makes me cooler? My son's friends are always coming over (they're all about 11 and 12) and I want them to think I'm a cool dad. Do you think having a mac will make them think that?

Im not sure about the being cooler philosophy but I do know that they are more powerful and stable for your dollar so I would say stay with a mac and if you get some cool points then Im going to get one to

mmmm, touch question. As long as the computer has good specs, does what you want it to do, and does it quickly, and maybe has a snazzy case, your cool factor will increase dramatically :P

Lol so true

Yes, that's what I thought. :)

I'm just wondering if using a Mac makes me cooler? My son's friends are always coming over (they're all about 11 and 12) and I want them to think I'm a cool dad. Do you think having a mac will make them think that?

Mos' def!

Well, If your windows based system crashes, gets virus' and trojans and just gets YOU HOT UNDER the collar, then Yes, you won't have those issues with a Mac and YOU will... STAY COOLER!!!!

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