Hi, I recently graduated with my associate's in Network Security. I'm pretty much looking for just a help desk position to get my foot in the door. But I'm not getting many call backs and figured it might be my resume is not up to par. I had my school build a resume for me before I finished but I wasn't satisfied with it so I pretty much revised it completely. Are there any Vets. around willing to take a quick look at it for me and offer any insight? Thanks.

So I guess everyone around here just programs, networks, or does any other IT work as a hobby and wouldn't be knowledgable on the professional aspect of the field, ehh? Nice.

Resume skills should be taught in class. It was part of an English course for me. Nothing like spending two weeks doing nothing but creating resumes and cover letters for 5-10 job positions and then being critiqued, revised, and graded.

My fresh-out-of-college resume is built as follows:
CONTACT INFO in a centered table (name, address, phones, email)
SCHOOL INFO: University, degree, graduation
COMPUTER SKILLS: Big ordered list of the things I knew, organized into sections (Programming, Operating System, Office, etc)
WORK EXPERIENCE: The few little jobs I did in the last two years.

You put the most recent and relevent stuff at the top and go from there. Right now, since I have some years under my belt, my WORK EXPERIENCE and SCHOOL have switched places.

Do not write about what you lack. Do not put something on that will cause you to flounder when grilled. And there is no reason to include a GPA.

Good luck.

What he said.

With the additional advice to double check your spelling before hitting the send/print key. In your original posting, for example, the title says 'Recent gradute' which would immediately send a red flag flying if I was looking at that with a view to finding someone to employ.

I actually just got a call for a tier-3 help desk position with Time Warner so we'll see how it goes. Thanks.

Good luck!

A resume is tricky in the business of IT. My employer for example does not look for degrees, but rather raw knowledge. When I am evaluating potential employees in our companies growing IT department, I would rather them prove to me that they have the skills required to get the job done rather than taking their word on a resume.
Bottom Line:
Degrees mean nothing in the IT field.

I can send you mine as an example :)

Hey Dima, that would be great. If you don't mind can u send me a copy to ceazon22@yahoo.com? Thanks.

sure, in a few

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