How many people here have a blog? How do you monetize it?

I've seen some people get a full living off of blogging -- and others are not as successful. If you make SOME money, what methods do you use? Text links? Amazon? What's your recipe? :)

Because blogs are very viral, it's really not that difficult to make money off of them since it doesn't take much to keep a steady flow of new incoming links which keeps traffic coming in.

I used to say that text links were a good step for some blogs but I have to pull back on that one now for obviuos reasons.

A good starting place is definitely Google AdSense. They tend to be very blog friendly and are easy to set up and integrate. In fact, one of their latest features is to automatically add curved corners to the ad unit so that it blends in with Web 2.0 sites such as DaniWeb and Blogger. OK, and Digg too :)

Now that we're leaning towards the holiday season, another good place to check out is Chitika. They offer ad units which sell various products (typically gadgets and swag) and they market themselves as an advertising network specifically for blogs (and forums). They're also CPC as opposed to CPA, which is hard to find.

How many people here have a blog? How do you monetize it?

I've seen some people get a full living off of blogging -- and others are not as successful. If you make SOME money, what methods do you use? Text links? Amazon? What's your recipe? :)

I was into blogs very much but am out of it now since i dont have much time for it now .

just try to get unique content on your blog .
engage in social bookmarking
promote your blogs by putting its link on various forums
try to get backlinks

and many more things you need to do to promote your blog ( use adsense on your blog ts profitable)

Well yes, I know the strategies - thanks, makemeinsecure. I was just wondering how some of you monetize. Some people use Chikita. Some people use Amazon Affiliates. What do you use?

I am into Google Adsense and widgetbucks . these r really good way to make money .can i see your blog ?

Right now I use AdSense and various affiliate programs. I am experimenting with "paid to post" options currently.

How many people here have a blog? How do you monetize it?

I've seen some people get a full living off of blogging -- and others are not as successful. If you make SOME money, what methods do you use? Text links? Amazon? What's your recipe? :)

I think the best way to monetize a blog is relevant content ads, like Google Adsense, Yahoo Ads, Bidvertiser etc. Why? Because they give to your reader the option to be reading a post and suddenly get interested for an advertising that is targeted to that kind of content displayed in your blog.

I think that Amazon is another way to be considered, but relevant content ads is the best way in my view.

About your question regarding: "How many people here have a blog?". I do. I run my own money making blog, it brings everyday news, articles, commentaries and reviews about money making opportunities.


This sounds great i do not have a blog buy i may get one. What is the difference from a website.

I have a blog too,

and the way i make money from it it Adsene ( like Daniweb )

and other way is Affiliate Multi level marketing, you can check out my signature

This sounds great i do not have a blog buy i may get one. What is the difference from a website.

diference from a blog and website is that you can make blog more update than a website :)

Firstly you need to be a good writer- that is a good technical ability in English, you need to be bright and have lots of ideas as to what to write about.

Bloggers make money in two ways, through adverts and through people making donations. For both of these to work you need to be writing something that lots of people want to read.

Unless you're a big name, you can't make much online through blogging. I know some really good writers who just make enough through adverts to pay for their web hosting.

I think Adsense is good for blogs if you get monster traffic. But if you're not getting that, then you'll only earn a few bucks over a long period of time.

I think that writing a blog on a particular subject so you get some targeted traffic is a good start. Then put relevant affiliate links on it for programs that give you good, hefty commissions. This way, you only need a couple of conversions to profit.

Right now I use AdSense and various affiliate programs. I am experimenting with "paid to post" options currently.

there are people who are doing the paid to post. any way on how to market these kinds of blogs?

I'm hardly get what you all talking about. I'm a new comer and want to earn money online. Can someone here teach me?

How many people here have a blog? How do you monetize it?

I've seen some people get a full living off of blogging -- and others are not as successful. If you make SOME money, what methods do you use? Text links? Amazon? What's your recipe? :)

I am having Blog. I am working as blogger from last some month at my own blogs.
The recipe of monetize blog is Adsense only. I love that product. It is rocking in all my blog. Along with my full time job i am also doing it.

The most important factor is your selection of subject of blog. that will decide your success or failure.

I choose subject in which i am master so i am doing well with it.

I make some stuff from my blog through Adsense

Start thinking what you can give to your blog. Give great content and great value. The money will follow - later

Well yes, I know the strategies - thanks, makemeinsecure. I was just wondering how some of you monetize. Some people use Chikita. Some people use Amazon Affiliates. What do you use?

On my blog, I only used adsense and it gives me a good income. The key here is the traffic.

I have several blogs on blogspot and on my websites. I have monetized with Google Adsense. I tried other advertising programs like bidvertiser but nothing works like adsense.

How many people here have a blog? How do you monetize it?

I've seen some people get a full living off of blogging -- and others are not as successful. If you make SOME money, what methods do you use? Text links? Amazon? What's your recipe? :)

I'm currently enrolled in an online class that is an intro to blogging, and the end of the semester project is to create our own blog. I'm hoping that it will do well and that I'll be able to pay for hosting services with advertising etc. Anyway, threads like this always get me anxious to get it done as soon as humanly possible. :p

But I'm curious tamar, do you know how many hours per week your friends spent to make a living off of blogging? And how many blogs they had? It's one thing to write passionately and intelligently about topics, but I think there is some chance (or emergence) to what catches on with the public and what ends up making the most money.

I don't make money from my blog, because I am still just starting and at present Wordpress hosting doesn't allow Adsense.

I did read the about someone who sold their blog for $15 million however. He's a young guy my age and he built up this great blog on banking and became an authority on the subject and also encouraged user interaction--which was enough to get noticed.

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