Really? What were you doing that violated their TOS?

I know it's still possible because there ARE seo's that are using illegal methods...
heard about one the other day where half of the guy's homepage was being
shown at the top of google before his competitor made a call to google.

Anyone blacklisted for REGULAR seo services?

I've noticed that folks never post their urls when this happens?

I mean.. I could just post that 34 of my websites, that I used XYZ seo company for, were blacklisted from such-and-such search engine...
I've actually noticed a lot of postings like that. *shrug*

I'm seriously interested in hearing about people that have been blacklisted and the
history that lead up to that action being taken by the search engines.

lots of sites are blacklisted all the time. common ones

linking out to shady sites
302 redirect errors
people redirecting their penalty at your site
buying too many highly visible off topic links

Now for good ranking companies are using black hat SEO techniques that is way sites are getting banned or blacklisted. I have been working in SEO since last 3 years but never got blacklisted or banned.

Yes lot of website have black listed.If you use black hate SEO or violate Google rules you can be black listed at any time.

Try changing the IP address. Websites get penalized when hosted with websites under same IP that get penalized.

Try changing the IP address. Websites get penalized when hosted with websites under same IP that get penalized.

i dont think so as we know over 80% sites running on shared host.. and google is not a fool.

hmm.It's so interesting topic.. I really like..Well, I have bad experience with SEO...My 7-10 blogs have been banned by google 1 month ago..And my primary blog frequently come into google sandbox..I don't know why..My blog is still young(under 1 years old) and it can compete even defeat old blogs at SERP for very competitive keyword. Does blog's age have effect on SEO?

May be you get a back link from a website which is penalized by Google that is why your website can be penalized.

May be you get a back link from a website which is penalized by Google that is why your website can be penalized.

One link from a banned website typically will Not get you banned. You gotta do a lot of things wrong to get banned.

Some of the things that will get you banned:
- comment spamming
- forum signature spamming
- any other type of spamming
- selling links
- buying links
- plagiarized content
- really really bad code
- majority of links from "bad neighborhoods"

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