I would like to share a link with all where you can see a list of top paying keywords for your adsense.


It is providing a list of keywords which have bid from ($100 to $3). But I can't say anything about the correctness of the data. You can use these at your own.

I like the idea that the content on your webpages is determined by the competence on the subject of the author. The website authors that first look for the highest paying keywords to determine the written content that will be placed is not going to be an authority at the beginning on the web page's theme when the author knows little about the subject of the high paying keywords. It takes time to be an expert in any field but is perfectly acceptable to first look at high paying keywords.

That's well said Directory777 and I hope people are listening.

Can any one suggest the site which contain Keywords?? or else give me the list of keywords....regards in advance..

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