
I have done these for SEO of my site. What else do you suggest to me because, it doesn't work? I have done all these 4 week ago though!



<meta name="description" content="This is the best Car" />
<meta name="keywords" content="BMW, bmw" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />


User-agent: *

Registered to these sites.

Google: http://www.google.com/addurl/?continue=/addurl
Yahoo!: http://tinyurl.com/5oclp (registration required)
MSN: http://beta.search.msn.com/docs/submit.aspx

Your site has to have something interesting in it, those 'seo' additions you have made are bland, and have no reference to YOUR page they refer to BMW, bmw already have their own web site,, seo score -negative
the search engines say. we do not index every site submitted

best would be to post the url,
both to let some of the gurus look it over and offer constructive advice as well as this more negative advice(sorry am a negative person)
because then your site starts to have links pointing to it from other sites,
which is the major part of real search engine performance.
the more pages link to your page, the more the page will be indexed, as the links are discovered when the referring page is spidered

My site is an embarrassingly[1] simple bland mostly text, support page for our small apartments rental business, by good luck and some small good management we rank on page 1 in search engine returns for 'apartments for rent nova scotia'

urls have been mod_rewrite -ed to look like a tree structure
keywords reflect page content
keywords actually appear in page content
we have links from other web sites from responding to posts on accommodation boards and holiday boards with our site url in the signature, because the links are appropriate in SearchEngine terms, and we get sales from those links

only one file now shows any ?blah=otherblah because it is used to include external web pages, so we wanted that to show that the information is coming from elsewhere, off the track there,,,

[note 1] embarrassingly: hence it is not posted on this site :(
but it works on ie firefox opera safari avant textreaders cell-phones WAP, validates css html :)

Post your url to start with and one advice I'll keep giving is to be patient and in time your efforts will be rewarded.


What you have done so far is in-site optimization, so you need do off site optimization as well, search this forum, you can find information which need to do for off site optimization and get more traffic to your site.

Start building good backlinks to your website, include more targeted keywords on your webpacges, start forum posting, directory submissions, article directory submissions, social networking and include your domain in all that. You need to increase the visibility of your website to get the desired results.

I have to add as many links as possible in other pages which links to my website.

The more visitors, the better result in searh engines.

Are these 2 statements right?


It takes longer than 4 weeks to get indexed. And your opt needs more work than what you put in. Does your site have content?links?

I have to add as many links as possible in other pages which links to my website.

links pointing back from valid(from a search bot perspective) web sites, related to the content of your site.
Links from link exchanges, web sites promising to increase your SER by dumping hundreds of links on random pages, have the opposite effect.

The more visitors, the better result in searh engines.

not really, visitors are anonymous outside your site,

visitors that leave blog entries on their site are a bonus

Are these 2 statements right?


almost right,
its not easy,
four weeks is not a long time becuase the sites that link back to you dont get spidered,
the links once they begin to exist may not trigger search spiders to access your site weeks after that

Once a bot comes to look,
Your site has to interest the bot, the search bot has a range of factors that cause the site to be spidered or ignored
Page Titles have to work
keywords if used have to match the site text,
images have to have relevant alt text,
in-site links have to be easily readable
There has to be interesting content
search spiders do multiple languages, so 'ipsem lorem' filler text wont do it.
Valid HTML CSS XML XHTML always helps

Contact similar sites on the other side of town/county/province and arrange link exchange with the webmaster.
If setting up a commercial site get linked to from your county/town/regional council local business section
If a hobby site do the same from regional interest group/association,

I get good back links answering questions on FixYa dot com,
I am a landlord have a lot of appliances, that I have learned to fix, and can pass that on. household appliances break every day.
Kudos from FixYa-ed to AlmostBob also contain my sitelink, end up with several hundred extra links that score well in search engines, apartments & home maintainence are reasonably related (enough for bots)

I think i have to work and read hard about SEO.

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