I have 2 blogs hosted under free domain co.cc .. but its awfully hard to get into PR 1 (it's almost a year now). Does anyone know what's wrong with co.cc domain name?

The domain .co.cc is not an official TLD, however some sites (via http://www.google.com.au/search?q=%22co.cc%22&num=20) have a PageRank between 2 and 4.

Thanks ..
Done some background check on the first 2 sites you mentioned, one have more than 3000 registered yahoo backlink, and the other have 49K+ indexed page on google .. serious stuff..

well I should start writing a lot then .. LOL

I don't think Google hates co.cc. Did you try getting a couple of High PR, Do-follow links? If you have got those links for the website and have waited until the PR update, you should have seen some increase in PR.

Yes google wants you to buy domain and web hosting from google.

hi, all things are done with money nwadays so google may need money and then give u ranking. but you can get the services of <snip plug> to get a SEO service and gt the website ranked in main search engines. its gurranteed.

do try

I don't think that google hates .co.cc domains as i have noticed many sites with that extension ranks well in google search engine.

Nope, Google doesn't hate .co.cc. In fact, I've seen sites with that extension with good PR and ranking. Maybe there's something wrong in your linkbuilding strategies.

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