Apparently the backlinks listed on google have updated. Still less useful than yahoo's, but you may get a hint from the number of backlinks reported still. I had a fairly huge jume around x2 :)

I think they updated around the first of the month, didn't they? I'm showing roughly 3,800. My goal is 10,000. Think I can reach my goal this century? ;) /me nonchalantly points at DaniWeb link directory

Remember the backlinks Google is showing these days are not necessarily the ones they use to determine the value of your site.

well this update didnt help me, my site still has 0 backlinks>_>

I stayed the same as well. I think I might have gone up 100 backlinks if that much.

Nothing as of yet....any theories why?

well my backlinks just updated;)

Mine just updated too - nearly 6,000 backlinks! My goal of 10K seems pretty realistic.

Another google backlink update

Google Updated Backlinks

Dated : 14-Sep-2006

My client site backlinks goes from 208 to 356.

Can somebody predict PR Update. I hope it wil be due in next 15 days. Isn't it ??

mine is from 102 to 254. Good!

Mine just updated too - nearly 6,000 backlinks! My goal of 10K seems pretty realistic.


How do you get that many backlinks? That is crazy



How do you get that many backlinks? That is crazy



Buying sitewide text links on other sites, link swaps, link directories, running a link directory, etc

Buying sitewide text links on other sites, link swaps, link directories, running a link directory, etc

Hi Dani,

Have you ever thought about writing an ebook or report on how you have done it and how others could too? It is pretty incredible and I am sure it would be something people would buy.



Hi Rod,

Getting backlinks is very easy, but the thing is google should cache all the backlinks then only you will get good rankings in google, else it is wast of time.

BTW: i am expecting a e-book from cscgal :)

Hi Rod,

Getting backlinks is very easy, but the thing is google should cache all the backlinks then only you will get good rankings in google, else it is wast of time.

BTW: i am expecting a e-book from cscgal :)

You want to say that you should only pay attention to PR and backlinks will come by itself.
Thanks fot your answer.

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