
Forums Members,

I was just wondering have anyone every got their account closed, shutdown or banned for no reason at all. There have been people I have talked to who have had problems like this, which is very sad. These are people who have ran their businesses online, weather it was an eBay store ect..

I will love to know weather anyone here, has been missed used by these services in this way or another?
If so! I will love to hear your story.

I know that each of these services have rules that are clearly stated and available. And while I have heard of people getting tossed off or banned it has been for specific issues. What exactly did they say your friend did? I would imagine that they would have had to support their actions with evidence and tell your friend what caused the expulsion?

Never banned from these services before!

My brother has been banned from ebay before because of customer disatisfaction. If customers aren't happy with what they get or your information is misleading you can be banned.

My brother has been banned from ebay before because of customer disatisfaction. If customers aren't happy with what they get or your information is misleading you can be banned.

I could understand customer dissastifaction, unfair business practices or violation of state policy in terms of selling on e-bay or use of paypal accounts. But to be banned from YouTube seems like a bit of a mystery as they are pretty flexible in terms of posting policy (no hardcore porn, no blatant racist material, etc). I wonder if the original poster is asking because this happened to them or if it happened to a client who is asking his assistance to get around the bans.

Every online resource follow or having some rules and if any user not following them it is possible to banned them.

Every online resource follow or having some rules and if any user not following them it is possible to banned them.

absolutely agree but the question is what are some of the parameters of ban-worthy behavior for YouTube. They seem to be very First Amendment oriented for the most part. I am sure they post them somewhere but if the original poster knows of someone who was banned from YouTube I would be interested to know what it is.

I never been banned form you tube, paypal or ebay ever. As long as you follow the rule that wouldn't happen too you.:)

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