I am currently building some blog/microsites for a client and we are doing the hosting through GoDaddy. I have been looking into their offerings and they have a Search Engine Visibiltiy Toolkit available at a reasonable cost. Does anyone have any experience with this that they can tell me if it is worth it of can I get the same results by just putting in the effort myself?

Usually you are better off doing SEO yourself. Typically there isnothing thatthey can do that you can't do in less than 10 mins. Look at using sitemap (XML) and use google webmaster tools. Often, the best way for SEO is having good backlinks. (links to your sitefrom reputable websites.
Also, good code, and minimizing ajax for main components helps also.

Usually you are better off doing SEO yourself. Typically there isnothing thatthey can do that you can't do in less than 10 mins. Look at using sitemap (XML) and use google webmaster tools. Often, the best way for SEO is having good backlinks. (links to your sitefrom reputable websites.
Also, good code, and minimizing ajax for main components helps also.

Thanks for the advice. But beyond that could the GoDaddy tool offer some help at all? I am wondering if they are offering some trial offer to get people to test drive it. I will put the question to them tomorrow and let you know.

I would not suggest you to use that godaddy tool.............

even i would not have suggested you godaddy hosting or godaddy as a domain registrar if you have asked this question before using godaddy.

anyways, now at least don't go for any more packages..

I would not suggest you to use that godaddy tool.............

even i would not have suggested you godaddy hosting or godaddy as a domain registrar if you have asked this question before using godaddy.

anyways, now at least don't go for any more packages..

As it was a customer decision based on a number of recommendations, the choice was out of my hands. But, I have never had any problems with GoDaddy in the past and the package they offered is ideal for my client who is not technically adept. In this case, the simplicity of the set-up and administration of the site is welcomed. As for domain registration, other than price does it really make a difference who to use?

Yes, goDaddy has been known to drop names and run, or when you search for ones, to 'park' domains with ads, until you pay extra for them. (Quite a few people have been ripped off by them for domain registrations - Their track record isn't that good.)

I've had a good (and cheaper) name registar is namecheap. You can use directnic if you have MANY (over 200) domains to register.

Just some tips.

(Everything the goDaddy SEO tool offers can be done for free with 10 mins. of time, probably more than you have spent looking at the service.) See Godaddy Sued for Cybersquatting

Yes, goDaddy has been known to drop names and run, or when you search for ones, to 'park' domains with ads, until you pay extra for them. (Quite a few people have been ripped off by them for domain registrations - Their track record isn't that good.)

I've had a good (and cheaper) name registar is namecheap. You can use directnic if you have MANY (over 200) domains to register.

Just some tips.

(Everything the goDaddy SEO tool offers can be done for free with 10 mins. of time, probably more than you have spent looking at the service.) See Godaddy Sued for Cybersquatting

Good to know. Thanks for the info.

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