Anyone ever tried to note down the difference in do follow and no follow links? Means if i'm writing and URL here it will be no follow or do follow?

do follow links can be added as your backlinks while no follow is not

DoFollow is simply an internet slang term given to web pages or sites that are not utilizing NoFollow. NoFollow is a hyperlink inclusion that tells search engines not to pass on any credibility or influence to an outbound link.

DoFollow is simply an internet slang term given to web pages or sites that are not utilizing NoFollow. NoFollow is a hyperlink inclusion that tells search engines not to pass on any credibility or influence to an outbound link.

It's meant to allow the publisher to give a guideline to the search engines whether or not they vouch for the site they're linking to, but ultimately it's up to the search engine to decide whether or not to take the publisher's "advice".

DoFollow = Follow this link
NoFollow = Don't follow this link

I have heard that Dani web forum is do follow forum!! but if someone is using links they are no follow!!! that's why i'm getting confused!! there is a tool installed which points out no follow links!!! every link here in signature or anywhere is showing no follow!!!!!!!!!!! :|

No-follow tells Google not to follow the link from your page. Let's say I link to your site from my page and I assign a no-follow attribute. That means Google will not transfer PageRank nor will my site be seen as a backlink/inbound link for your site.

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