I want to ask about penalty associated to google. For the first month, my website has been in the first page at google search engine when people type keyword "linux malaysia" but now my website is not in the list anymore.

My website contain many duplicate contents / articles about Linux and its information. Do google penalize website like this.

My website contain many duplicate contents / articles about Linux and its information. Do google penalize website like this.


Most probably you have been penalized for the content duplication but it should not be very acute. There should more to it than just content. There are manly 3 types of penalties.
out of Google index.
So you might be knowing which has been applied to you.

Yea duplication of content is not accepted...you can rewrite it the way you want.

Yes, google penalizes sites which are copying content from others sources. But, i have also seen some sites having duplicate content and still having good page rank. How?

The reason is very clear because Google already has indexed the original copies of the articles in its database and so, why would it use bandwidth and resource repeating the same procedure again?

Yes, you should also respects the intellectual property of others.

Thank you...

Are u sure that u and de-indexed?

To quickly determine whether your site is still in our index, just perform a Google site search for its entire URL.

A search for site:google.com, for instance, returns the following results: http://www.google.com/search?num=100&q=site:google.com Note that you shouldn't include a space between the site: operator and your domain name.

The Site Status Wizard lets you check the index status of your site, and also tells you if your home page was recently accessed by Google.

If your site is displayed as a result when you perform a Google site search for your URL, then it's included in google index.

Try that first!:D

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